Chapter 19 { p. 2 }

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Calum's POV:

Kat and I have been in line for 20 minutes and the whole time we've been silent . We'd stare at each other for a while but it's nothing great. We're quiet around each other right now and that is unusual . What should I say? Something smooth going? Something to make her laugh? I don't know what happened but , "Tits are nice , you have nice tits," I blurted out .

"Thanks , I like faces , you have a nice face," she laughed , and that laugh was cute .

"So do you go to school?" I asked , trying to build a conversation. "Wait , how old are you?" I raised an eyebrow , she looked seventeen I can't date a seventeen year old .

"I'm Nineteen ," she snickered , " and you?"

Nineteen , she's a year older than me , I eternally face palmed myself .

"I'm eighteen " I pouted , knowing she wouldn't want to be around with such a kid.

" That's cute ," Kat smiled , giving me a little push as the line moved forward .

As we got onto the ride , Kat had a major freak out .

"Calum , are you sure about this? "

"Calum , holy fuck this is going high."

"Calum , will they let me off?"

"Calum , I can't do this shit ."

"Calum , I -"


I was laughing the entire time Kat was bickering about being on the ride.

"Kat , it wasn't that bad," I chuckled as we walked to the next ride.

"That bad? That bad!? I think I crapped my pants!" She joked laughing .

As we were walking Kat groaned , " My shoe is untied, ugh."

"I'll tie it ! " I quickly said , bending down in front of her .

Kat put her small , petite , foot on my knee and I started tying her shoe.

"Aw , now that's a gentleman . Tying his girl's shoe ," I heard a random say as they passed us . I let it slide but as I was pulling the laces to tighten them another comment was thrown.

" Why can't you be as cute as him babe ? Tying my shoes , aw they're so cute ." A high pitched voice said.

I got up and brushed off my knee , " I didn't mean for those comments , sorry." I apologized , which now seems pretty stupid .

" Oh , don't um- apologize ... People talk and assume right?" She nervously laughed ..

*Montage Mode of Calum And Kat , Sorta , (it Stinks) .*

-"My churro , noo ," Kat pouted as her Churro hit the floor .

"Here take mine . " I held out my own churro .

"I have a better idea!" She screeched . Kat put the churro between us horizontally , "Put your mouth there Calum " she pointed .

I put my mouth where she commanded and thus she said with the churro in her mouth , " Cute right ?" She laughed and I tried eating the delicious treat but it seemed almost impossible .

"Well that's a fail , quite embarrassing for me... Sorry Calum!" She nervously took a bite of the churro that she ended up splitting in half..

"It's all good ," I said and quickly gave her a kiss on the cheek.

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