Chapter 23

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Diana's POV :

"Adam ! Ahh yes , you're table is ready and is set sir .." the waiter , who clearly knew Adam well , smiled leading us to our table.

"Any drinks to start with?" He asked , doing his job.

"I'll have a sprite , please" I smiled , looking up at him.

"And I shall have a coke , thank you Daniel." Adam smiled at the waiter.

"Alright Adam , I know that this is a very important lunch for us .. I think you should just get to the point because I have a lot of anxiety right now. I've almost chewed my whole index finger's nail off . Just please " I spoke fast , and my voice was shaky .

"We can discuss it during dessert ." Adam firmly said , looking at the menu .


So we've eaten and our dessert is on the way . I'm so nervous , I feel like my heart is out of my chest and jumping on my breasts . Wow , yeah I'm bad at explain how I feel . I'm just really super nervous .

"Would you excuse me , I have to use the restroom." I quietly got up as Adam nodded to me.

I walked into a bathroom stall and you know , peed.

As I went to wash my hands , a girl about 27 was fixing her hair in the mirror. I smiled looking up at her as I put soap on my hands.

"Are you okay? You , you um look really pale , or is that your skin color?" The girl beside me turned her head talking to me.

I looked up and I was pale , the color drained from me completely.

"I'm just really nervous .. It's getting to me." I mumbled tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"Explain , I'm not letting you leave till I help and you gain some color back in you , I'm Elle ." She smiled holding her hand out .

"Diana , I hate to be rude but I have to go .. And I don't know you I can't trust you." I shook her hand .

This is awkward for me , why would a total weird stranger want to just help me ? It seems weird , but I do need some relief so I'll tell her.

".. I'll tell you , but we need to be quick . So I'll hurry , I'm a foster child blah blah I am currently in the best home with my foster parent and he's the best... I'm honestly scared of what he might say to me right now , he says it's important .. I hate to be pessimistic but I can't help it , I'm afraid of leaving the best home I've been in all my life !" I talked fast , and at the end sighed . Elle pursed her lips and smiled.

"Diana , right? Anyways .. I think you should go out there , but first fix yourself . Everything will be okay , if you love it I'm pretty sure he loves having you there .. Don't be so doubtful , it might've been bad for you in the past but maybe right now is your time . I wish you the best , and if anything .. " Elle dug into her purse and pulled out a card ," Give me a call , I'm a therapist , agh I know . But I'm here to help people .. It's weird yes, I probably sound like a total creep but I just love helping and making people feel better . Good luck little lady." She smiled handing me the card , then shooed me out of the bathroom .

Weird experience ? Yes ..

Do I feel better though? Yes.


I walked back to the table and Adam looked up at me.

"Diana , you were gone a long time .. You okay?" He stared at me clearly worried.

"Yeah , just girl stuff you know .. We take long at everything .." I nervously laughed , that's when the waiter came .. He set down the plates of chocolate cake.

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