Chapter 28

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Hola i am muke ay ef ( af )I'm trying to be funny but IM NOT SO ENJOY

{ mostly edited }

Recap : "I'm sorry , Diana " Ashton said his lips practically on mine , our noses touching . He moved a bit closer , and I looked down at his lips.

Diana's POV :

"Ashton no." I pulled my head back , and walked back to Luke. I crawled back to where he was and he looked up from his phone.

"Hi ." He whispered and quickly put his phone away.

"So , where are we going for our first date?"

"Somewhere cliche so we can make fun of it." Luke smiled down at me and we continued watching the movie.


"Dammit," I cried as I slowly pulled my legs to the side. My knees are in a lot of pain . The gashes on each of my knees , are still healing and honestly I don't know how I wasn't in pain yesterday.

I limped over to the bathroom , guiding myself with my phone's flashlight and opened the drawer with gauze. I sat myself on the edge of the bathtub and began unraveling the old gauze.

While I was wrapping the gauze around my knee I heard someone come in. I'm sure this person didn't see me because the size of the bathroom was so large . I peeked over to see who came in and it was Luke. Luke had started to pull down his boxers and I didn't know whether to hide or not. I'm still surprised he hasn't seen me yet. So I started to laugh ," whoa slow down there tiger."

"Jesus , Diana . What the hell!" Luke flinched and turned to the side walking over to me , which took a little bit of time since the bathroom is big.

"I was just putting new gauze on my knees..." I turned on the lights for the side of the bathroom we were in.

"You didn't care to lock the door or something , maybe have the lights on?" Luke gave me a look like "c'mon really?".

"It's three in the morning I didn't think anyone would walk in ." I scowled at him and began to put gauze on the other knee.

"Ugh Diana you are so complicated ," Luke started dancing and looked at me with wide eyes.

"Oh yeah , sorry . Bye ," I quickly left to my room. I walked over to my bed and slowly laid down. I couldn't stop thinking of what almost happened , so I lightly laughed to myself. I closed my eyes and tried sleeping but it didn't work so I just stared at my ceiling.

The door softly creaked open , and I turned to my side to see who it was.

"I figured you would be awake," Luke smiled and ran over to my bed and flopped down on me.

"Holy crap Luke , you are so heavy." I panted and tried to push him off of me.

"Are you calling me fat?" He looked at me as if his whole world came crashing down.

"Pay back from when you called me a cow!"
( he called her one in chapter 7 )
"But then I said you were as light as a feather!" Luke got up and looked me in the eyes.

"Fine . Luke you are almost as light as I am , almost." I laughed and patted the spot next to me.

He laid down facing me and pulled the blankets up. "Why does Adam always feel the need to have the air conditioning running ?" He moved closer to me and I placed my leg slightly over him .
( okay so I sleep like this with my body pillow , holy wow it's the best way to sleep . )

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