Chapter 7

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After watching Mama and a few more movies , Luke decided it was getting late and the boys and himself should leave . I really had a nice time cuddled into Luke watching movies and having side conversations . I don't want him to leave but oh well. Luke got up from his spot on the couch and went into the game room. When he came back up he was surprised but seemed happy . "The boys fell asleep playing games , is it fine if we crash here for the night ?" He whispered.

"Why are you whispering ? But yes it is uhm there's 3 guest bedrooms down here and 2 upstairs . Whichever one you want is yours" I smiled . "Thanks can you show me the one upstairs?" He shot me a cheeky grin . I instantly laughed at his cuteness but calmed myself .

"Only if you carry me !" I pouted , I'm tired and lazy to walk so maybe he'll carry me .

"Uhh fine come on you little cow" he chuckled . I faked gasped and put my hand over my heart "How dare you call me a cow" I laughed so hard after I did I almost fell off the couch at my little scene . Oh gosh I'm a loser. Luke joined in on the laughing but grabbed me bridal style

"Luke what are you doing? I asked in my fake white girl voice .

"Carrying a cow" he lightly laughed , I gently hit his shoulder at calling me a cow again.

"Just kidding you're lighter than a feather " he winked at me .

Once at the top of the stairs I was set on my feet . We walked down the hallway awfully close , but it felt so nice . I led him to the guest bedroom closest to mine which was the next room on the left of my room. "This room fine?" I questioned as if he wouldn't be okay with this room .

"It's perfect , but I'm not tired yet let's do something!" He replied .

I led him into my room and flipped on the light . I had decorated since, so my walls were a light lavender now , with girly -yet tomboy- decorations . I sat on my bed and patted the spot next to me . He gladly sat down , "Let's do a smack cam on the boys?" I eagerly questioned "... I have whip cream " now I was getting devilish. Not really but I feel devious .

"Okay let's go " Luke got up and held out a hand for me , I gladly accepted it . We walked down the stairs , not hand in hand that would've been a bit awkward .

When we got to the refrigerator I grabbed the can of whip cream and told Luke to hold out his hand . "Luke stop moving , geesh child!" I laughed , "Sorry " he chuckled . When I was done putting all the whip cream we walked down to the game room . I pulled out my phone and started recording . Luke walked up to the one who was sleeping the funniest .

"Okay Luke on 3 " I whispered "3...2...1...SMACK CAM! " we whispered then yelled in unison.

Luke smacked Michael's cheek hard , you could hear the slap. Michael was startled of course then angry he was awoken and especially slapped. He bolted after Luke and I recorded as the other 2 started to wake up to the ruckus . Michael tackled Luke into the floor and they were play fighting but roughly , it was pretty funny . Calum and Ashton were laughing at them too , Michael was really upset . After they both calmed we sat down on the carpet .

"So umm guys there are guest bedrooms down on the main floor , one more upstairs ."

"I want to sleep with you " Ashton winked but then said he was joking I went along with it "Well you can , but my bed is a bit small so we will have to be close together " I said with a wink back and continued with him , I was as well joking .

"Diana let me sleep in your bed " "No , Me! " "She doesn't want you in her bed smelly dick" "Shut up asshole " was all I heard before my stomach began to hurt from laughing so much .

"None of you are sleeping in my bed , I'm the queen ." I flipped my hair all sassy joking again.

We all burst into laughter at my silliness . We talked for a while longer before I grew sleepy.

"Well guys I'm sleepy , so I'm going to sleep , help yourself to food and the rooms are easy to find don't get lost though!" I smiled as I got up from the ground . "Thank you Diana " they all said , Luke got up as well .

"I'm tired too and I forgot where my room was upstairs so Diana is going to show me " he looked at me with a cheeky smile . I nodded and walked away leading myself up to the main floor . The game room is in the basement it's pretty cool. Like an arcade , lights , old games , even a fridge and vending machine .

When I got the to door I stopped "Goodnight guys thanks for staying here while Adam was gone. I had a great time hope you did too" I sent them a warm thankful smile and exited the room up the stairs .

Luke was close behind me and I was getting sleepy on the way so I asked for a piggy back ride . "Lukeeeeeee" I held out the e . "Yes Dianaaaaaa" he laughed . "Can I have a piggy back ride " I pouted "Sure " was all he said before he crouched down and said "Jump" . I jumped and he started walking up the stairs to my room. The auto air conditioning was still on and I was still awfully cold . He dropped me on my bed and I laid down. "Goodnight Luke" I said and walked into my closet for my pajamas . I grabbed a pair of grey sweats and an oversized shirt that said hipster please . When I walked out Luke was laying in my bed .

"I just wanted to say goodnight since I didn't when you did " he nervously laughed . "Goodnight Lukeeeyy " I smiled holding in a laugh but I failed . He joined me and I laid in bed . He was about to leave when I asked him something .

"Luke are you really tired ?

"No not really are you?"

"Nope want to watch tv with me for a while?" I wasn't tired now after all that walking and getting carried . "Yeah" he smiled and walked over to my bed .

He laid down next to me ,I pulled the covers up so he can get under them as well. We were watching Wild'N'Out , about 15 minutes into the show I heard light snores next to me . Luke had fallen asleep in my bed , oh great questioning time in the morning . I didn't want to disturb Luke , we all had a long tiring day so I let him sleep. I turned the tv off and let sleep take me as well . I had a good day today with him.


So hehehe Luke & Diana? Or not!:O

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