"Suit yourself," you say bitterly, turning around.  "You know, this little clearing of the forbidden forest is cursed...  Every time an intruder comes in, someone gets hurt.  It'd be wise to leave now..."

Hagrid grunts his displeasure as you fly up into the trees to observe the class.  Hagrid brings out Hippogriffs, having students come up and bow to it and then ride it afterwards.  Suddenly, you hear a boy shouting.

"You're not that scary at all are you, you great ugly brute!" a blonde haired boy says confidently, walking towards the grey hippogriff.  Suddenly, the hippogriff rears up on its hind legs and the students scream.  The boy stumbles backwards in fear.  You throw yourself from the tree and position yourself in front of the boy, using your wing as a shield to block the hippogriff's talons from slashing the handsome blonde.  You yell out in pain, looking at your wing, which is now weak and limp at your side.  It's bleeding heavily and looking in front of you, you see a swirl of fresh scarlet blood.  It smells like it did before you were thrown out of the only home you ever knew all those years ago.  The boy looks at you in shock.  You catch your balance and turn to look at him.  He simply stares at you, trying to say something. You meet his gaze and turn away, walking back into the forest to find a pool of water where you can clean the blood off your wing, leaving behind a murmuring crowd, and a shocked professor.


Laying on a thick branch of a tree, you play with your hair in an extremely blasé manner. Letting your wings hang off of the branch below you.  Your wing healed alright, but it still twinged from time to time. 

"Hey," a voice drawls from below you, startling you.  You sit up and look down.  The blonde haired boy is standing there, looking up at you.

"Why are you here?" you say.  Jumping down to stand right next to him.

"I-I just wanted to say thank you," he says, nervously, playing with his robes.

"For what?" you ask sharply.

"For not letting that thing attack me.  It looked like you took a pretty big hit," he says.  "I just wanted to thank you.  I don't think any of my friends would have done that for me....  Ummm.. So.. what's your name?"

"Y/n," you say, crossing your arms.

"Y/n..." he says, expecting more.  

"I don't have any sort of last name anymore...." you trail off.

"You don't?  How?  Why?" he asks, taking a seat at the foot of the tree's trunk.

"My father.  He's disowned me.  I... used to be... normal..." you explain. "I didn't have... wings.  I was a regular girl."

"And you don't have a last name because..."

"My father disowned me.  When I was cursed, he turned on me, called me a waste of space and a terror.  My mother was powerless against him.  She couldn't keep me from being kicked out.  My father stripped me of my last name and all his connections to me.  Now I am only y/n."

The boy looks down into his lap.

"I can't imagine going through that....  I-I'm Draco," he says.

"Well, It's nice to meet you, Draco," you say, a smile forming slowly on your face.

He returns your smile.

"Likewise, y/n" he nods.


After that, Draco would always come by and hang out with you after he was finished with his school work.  He would bring his books and his assignments and share them with you, keeping you up to date with what he was studying.  You always enjoyed looking at his books.  It fascinated you since you had never been to school a day in your life, despite there being one right next to the forest.  The day before his third year ended, he bought you an owl and some writing supplies.

"Promise you'll write to me," he had said to you.  From that point on, every week during the summer you would exchange letters back and forth almost every day.  He kept you updated on everything that was going on, sending you snippets of the Daily Prophet and pictures of his manor and his summer vacation until you were reunited when term resumed.  Throughout fourth year, you two became much closer.  He would, of course, still visit you, but you would also sit near him if he had an outdoor class or was studying outside.  He would always know you were there, though.  It was your little secret.  You would always play pranks on his friends, rustling the trees or throw small pebbles at their backs, confusing them every time, and then getting even more out of sorts when Draco would start sniggering.  They were fun to mess with, especially Crabbe and Goyle or maybe Parkinson...  It was hard to decide.  Crabbe and Goyle would just get confused and Pansy, on the other hand, would get mad and then yell for her "Drakie-Poo" to protect her. This continued all the way into fifth year, but things were starting to change.  Draco had started to act differently.  It wasn't exactly his fault, though.  You were both changing, after all.  It would be normal for things to be different in a weird way.

"Hey, y/n?" he asks one day sitting under the same tree he introduced himself to you.

"What is it Draco?" you say, shutting his transfiguration book and setting it gently in your lap. 

"I was just wondering... I, um," he stutters.  

"Come on, Draco.  It's me.  We've been friends for about two years now. You can spit it out,"  you laugh.

Suddenly, he leans over and kisses you.  At first, you're shocked.  You don't know what to think at all.  Draco Malfoy, your best friend is kissing you.  He breaks the kiss and stares into your eyes.

"Y/n... I have to be honest.  I love you,"  he says, cupping your cheek with his hand.  "I have for a long time now and I guess that's why I've been acting so weirdly.  I just didn't know what to do.  I was worried that if I told you how I feel, you'd never talk to me again.  I value our friendship so much and I care about you a ton and now that I've thought about it a lot, I don't ever want to be away from you.  I wanna be your boyfriend."

"D-Draco..." you whisper.

"Please, y/n," he gasps, his lips barely touching yours. 

"But Draco...  What about your father?" you ask.  "He hates... creatures like me...  I'm a half-breed.  He thinks I'm nothing but dirt..."

"To hell with my father, y/n.  All I want is you," he says.  He swiftly leans forward and captures your lips in his.  This time, you kiss him back.  It's almost so blissful it's indescribable and you can feel his pure passion.  You break your kiss and smile at him.  He holds you tight and presses his forehead against yours.  "I'll never let you go, y/n.  Ever..."


A/N:  This was 1,854 words long!  Thanks for reading!  Requests are open!


- Soiea

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