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Credit to its-hp-bitch on tumblr

So Draco Malfoy is often associated with green apples. I've really looked into it.

The green apples are a symbol of succumbing to temptation. Similar to when Eve bit the apple in the Bible. Draco may not have been entirely happy with joining the Death Eaters but he still succumbed.

-Also, an apple is WHOLE, and by biting into this apple. He leaves it with a mark, the apple can't go back to being whole ever again. Just like Draco can't go back to being whole after he's branded with the Dark Mark; he's lost a part of himself (probably his innocence) and it can never come back.

-Also, why specifically green apples? Why not red, yellow, etc? Green is considered premature, a lot of times before fruits, vegetables are ripe they are green. So by picking and biting into a green apple, it shows that Draco is also too young and has been picked prematurely to join the Death Eaters.

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