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Hufflepuff: "So... according to Gamp's law of elemental transfiguration I can only summon food if I know where it is, modify it and multiply it but cannot make it from nothing?"

Ravenclaw: "That's correct."

Hufflepuff: "So... hypothetically, if I ate a piece of cake, I'd know it's location, could summon it and restore it to the state before I ate it?"

Ravenclaw: "I mean... I guess so?"

Hufflepuff: "So what you're saying is... I CAN have my cake and eat it too."

Ravenclaw: "... ... ..."

*Off to the side*

Gryffindor: "So she wants to rematerialize the cake from her stomach? That sounds unsanitary."

Slytherin *laughing*: "Who cares?! Did you see Ravenclaw's face?! He's going to go home and rethink his entire life!"

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