21: Tetris in Disguise

Start from the beginning

He lifts up his hands in surrender, "Okay, okay. Let's not speak my job in vain. I'll come get the door while you stay here."

"Are you crazy? You're the one they want!"

"Shh." Lowering his hands, he begins rubbing my shoulder. My anxiety-turned-anger quickly subsides. "Stay here."

Alec walks to the door without even covering up his face. Idiot. He leans against it, and speaks with a very deep baritone voice I haven't heard him use, "Who is it?"

"Oh! Who is it?" A feminine voice asks. Shit, it's a woman.

He smiles at me as my hand went to my chest. "I asked the question first."

"Uh..." The voice sounds nervous now. "Uhh... Greenlight?"

There's a long pause after that before Alec abruptly opens the door. A woman with dark-rimmed glasses and a casual outfit fills my doorway. Alec pulls her inside before I can respond. "What are you doing?"

He shrugs. "Greenlight is a code among our team." He turns to the woman. "What's up?"

The woman looks slightly perplexed as she glances at Alec under her lashes. My eyes narrow. "I-I'm River. Mr. Mayhem sent me to give you this." She holds up a red duffel bag we didn't notice when she came in. "There's an alleyway between a bakery and a tailoring shop on the west side of the main street. The car will be waiting for you there." Alec grabs the bag from her, immediately scanning the contents. "You know where it is right?"

I'm staring at the contents of the bag that it doesn't quickly register that she's talking to me. "Yes. Of course. But uhm, my dog. Can you...?"

River glances at Tripper who's looking at her curiously. "No problem. I came here with another car. I can bring him to you in Santa Monica."

There's still a part of me that doesn't trust her. But it will be more dangerous for us if I bring Tripper with me, especially if we get caught. I need to take this leap of faith. I nod at the woman and go to Tripper. After a little cooing, I bring her to River whose eyes soften, a little aww escaping her lips as she looks into Tripper's big ones. "He's in good hands. I promise he'll be with you in no time and in one piece."


"Blonde hair suits you but it's no better than when it's red."

I look like a Nordic woman and Alec looks like another white guy in the hood. "Damn, I should've given Holland more credit."

He laughs loudly before leaning closer as I survey myself in the mirror. "Took him long enough though."

The bag is filled with effective disguises such as washable hair colors, two pairs of dark contact lenses, a fake beard, two baseball caps and some casual clothes for Alec.

I'm wearing a denim jacket over my yellow sundress. My bangs clipped on the side as a blonde hair extension falls to my waist. Alec is also far from the rockstar they know with blonde hair, dark eyes, a full beard and baggy clothes. I just hope it's effective enough to not draw any attention.


I exhale. "Ready as I'll ever be."

River is cooing at Tripper when we get back to the living room. I still have this bad feeling on my gut that I can't seem to shake off when she first walked in. But I'm trying to blame it on what we're about to do and not to River herself. She's a shy woman, very pretty and just doesn't look like dognapping is in her cards.

I give her my keys. "Just make sure the doors and windows are locked. I have his puppy bag with me so you don't really need to worry about anything aside from, well, carrying him out of here."

She grabs my keys and Alec and I walk out of the door after I steal one last kiss from Tripper.

Cold air greets us as we close the door behind us, finally sealing our fate. We begin to descend down the stairs. My hands are shaking as I grip the railing, the noise of the crowd enveloping our ears. I thank the good Gods that the stairs are located at the back and not facing the terrace. I don't know if I can handle my nerves overpowering me as we lower to the ground floor, the people below watching our every move and wondering who we are.

"Alec..." I grab his hand with my sweaty ones. Biting my lip, I breathe in and out. "I don't think I can... There are too many people out there... I..."

Alec smiles and cups my neck, his thumb caressing softly under my ear. "I got you, love. We'll be out of here in no time."

"What if they find out?" My voice cracks at the end.

It seems like a lot of emotions I haven't felt in a long time love rising to the surface when Alec is around. I haven't had fear as big as this before and I can't believe I don't have my usual calm when I most needed it. The air seems to be closing in on me as the chanting of Alec's name gets louder again.

"Breathe. In and out, love. Do it with me." I do, also remembering Rosie's meditation advice. "Alright?"

I nod, still unsure.

"Hey." Alec cups both of my cheeks, his eyes willing my frightened ones to focus on him. "Just open your eyes and ears while taking one step at a time, okay? If you heard someone recognized us or looked at us closely, tap me twice. Got it?"

I nod, a little more determined. Alec grabs my hand as we continue down the stairs. Somehow, the simple touch comforts me to no end.

We take one step at a time until it's time to blend into the chaos waiting outside.

Eye strain sucks. And they lied.
Nothing, absolutely nothing is a sight for sore eyes. I just wanna sleep this thing! for days.

Anyway, GUYS! :O Thank you for the feedbacks. I don't think I can thank you enough for supporting me. T.T

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