22: Tetris in a Jam

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22: Tetris in a Jam


We are soon trapped in a hubbub of chatters, squeals and angry yelling as we move deeper into the crowd. Alec's hand tightens around mine as we push past a group of blonde teenagers with Alec's picture on their cropped shirt. No one has spare us a glance so far, but that knowledge does nothing to diminish my uneasiness ever since we step out of my building.

The darkness and the heat haven't deterred the crowd—their cellphones, flashlight and led lights from TV networks illuminate the narrow street. I have never been thankful for my local government ignoring our complaints about the busted streetlights than I do now. The lack of lighting helps in obscuring our faces as we keep our heads down.

I panic when Alec's hand slips from mine but quickly relaxes when his arm went around my shoulder. I become aware of an imminent brawl between two men on our left, their loud voices silencing the crowd. Our strides fasten as they form a circle around them.

"You piece of shit." A whimper escapes me as I hear glasses breaking, my hands covering my ears. "That's my favorite shirt!"

"I told you it was an accident!"

"Well, the damage has been done, yeah?"

"Ignore it," Alec whispers in my ear as the first punch slices through the air. "Keep staring straight ahead."

We reach the end of my street, the crowd thinning as they huddle to the fight in motion behind us. A relieved sigh is just about to leave my lips when a throng of people run toward us, knocking Alec down. My heart skips a beat as Alec's baseball cap flies out in the open.

He's groaning on the ground, caressing his arm. The two guys who bump into him, help him up. One of them claps him on the shoulder. "Dude, I'm so sorry—HOLY HELL! Are you Alec MacSweeny?"

I suck in a breath, catching the attention of the other guy. "Damn girl, you're Tetris, aren't you? Tetris Posziel?"

I see the surprise leaving Alec just as the guy—who's hand still on his shoulder—starts pointing profusely at him, "Alec MacSweeny is over here! Shit! He's really here! With a beard!"

Alec grabs my hand, "Run!"

And we do.

It's only then that the crowd huddled around the fight jumps into action, running towards us with their merch in hand, the reporters and paparazzi snapping pictures and hurling questions from our left and right.

It's pandemonium.

Like we are escaping the fires of hell, like zombies closing in on us, like a horde of dinosaurs chasing us, like monster trucks speeding towards us.

Our only survival instinct is to run.

I spot the bakery and the tailoring shop, the mouth of an SUV peeking in between. "Over there!"

Alec halts causing a panicked shriek from me, "What are you doing—What the!"

He puts his arm around my shoulders and under my knees, carrying me. "Too slow, Red."

Men in white uniforms stand around an open car door when we reach the alleyway. Alec goes inside with me in his arms and the door shuts before both of us can catch our breath.

Silence engulfs us.

Our eyes meet just as the crowd reaches the car and the engine starts. People start tapping on the heavily tinted window, their words slightly muted. I watch them until the car speeds up and they get smaller and smaller as we leave them behind.

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