23: Tetris in the Middle

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23: Tetris in the Middle


I have been dialing Holland's phone for more than an hour. The continuous ringing blending with the sound of the clock makes my nerves tingle in annoyance.

It's only seven am in the morning. The birds chirping and the wind blowing past trees did nothing to calm me. Something occurred to me over the course of the night, which, in all honesty, doesn't seem to sit well on both ends. I just wish it will work.

There's still no movement upstairs, telling me that Rhys is still fast asleep. I don't blame her. Yesterday was tiring, even for me. I don't want to imagine how it possibly affected her. She's vague last night and I don't feel like asking questions, especially if it brings up things we are both pretending to forget. At least for a while.

I jerk as something soft brushes against my leg. I look down to see Tripper settling in the middle of my bare feet, his head lay on one. I chuckle. "Holland's gonna break his neck when he sees you."

Like it wants to counter my statement, the familiar automatic response pulls a sigh from me just as I sip on my mug. I tap the red button and lean against my seat, careful not to disturb the sleeping furball on my feet.

Minutes pass by while I stare into the distance. My hands doing a drumming motion as I bob my head. Footfalls break through the music starting to build up in my mind. I open my eyes to see a barefaced Rhys clad in a white fluffy robe. Suddenly, a stream of words flows from the deepest crevice in me. I look at her, wide-eyed, the urgency clear in my voice.

"I need a pen, a notepad, anything."

Red splotches bloom from the freckles on her pale face, spreading down to her neck then to her chest as she panics. Her hair shining against the sunlight transcending through the floor-to-ceiling window.

I let out a cleansing breath, trying to keep as many words as possible from the song playing in my mind.

She runs down the stairs and hands me a pen I have no idea where she found. "I can't find a paper."

I grab her to me, the regret coming in before I finish my sentence. "Take off your robe."

"What? No!"

"Please." My plea is thick, my fist clenching on the pen in my hand as my other one taps a rhythmless beat against the countertop.

She bit her lip, hesitation coloring her face like a drop of paint spreading through water. "Ok—" My hands are already untying her robe before she can finish. I turn her around after I swipe it off her shoulder, the fabric pooling on her feet. Her creamy skin is a momentary distraction, the side of my knuckles brushing against it even more so.

I twist her so her palms are flat on the countertop as I bend her over it. Then my hand skims over her skin as I write the words. The stream flowing fast and passionate. Desperate and feral. Pounding against my mind, like a prisoner wanting to be let out.

Before long, my skin touches a smooth fabric—a signal to the end of my number. My fingers unconsciously caressing the sides of her waist as I read my words. A whimper is then followed by a breathless whisper, "Are you done?"

"Yes," I mumble as my index finger trace the edge of what I now know is her boy short.

She doesn't move but her body turns pliant, my finger now above the crack of her behind. "Alec... What are you doing?"

"Writing a song."


"Hmm," I mimic. "I have a proposition, Red. Would you like to hear it?"


We both jump as someone clears his throat. Rhys and I fumble to the robe at her feet, trying to cover her up. I shift my attention to the guy—the group in question as I step in front of her. "Turn the fuck around, " I growl.

Peyton, Toro, Cyprus and Missori all raise their hands as if in surrender and turn their back to us. I hear a chuckle while I cross my arms and glare at the dumbasses in front of me.

"I'm decent," Rhys announces.

They are about to turn back around when I speak, "Don't move yet, assholes."

I angle my head towards Rhys to check if she's truly decent. I know these guys and I don't want them to put their attention to her. Rhys isn't like the women they pick up on a gig. She isn't a groupie.

She's already covered up in her white robe, smiling at me as she double-tied the knot. "You can turn around, boys."

I watch her as she walks to the kitchen and pours herself a mug of coffee. My mind visualizing her naked back tainted by my sloppy handwriting. I shake my head.

With her white robe, pale skin, and redness all over, Tetris suddenly becomes my muse.


"I told you she just wants to fuck one of us." Cyprus smirks and steps forward. "You don't have to be shy about it, Tetris. It's nothing new."

"Cyprus..." Toro warns.

My blood runs cold as I look at them. Missori and Peyton are quiet as they watch the exchange. I'm not sure where they stand, but it's clearly not on my side. Alec hasn't said a word while Toro shoots me a worried look. The large, tattooed man seems to be the softest one in the group.

I shake my head at Cyprus. "If I did fuck one of you, it doesn't change the fact that it's not my initial intention."

Cyprus is about to take another step forward when Alec speaks. "Tetris is helping me write songs for our next album. We aren't fucking and I don't intend to."

I ignore the pang on my chest. "Do you want to check my back to proofread your newest lyrics?"

I am unknotting my robe when Alec yells, "The hell you are."

We stare at each other for a long moment. I raise my brow at him. "They can proofread it on a notepad. Which is later."

Cyprus chuckles humorlessly and starts walking. "Know what? Fuck you all. I'll be in the basement." Then he stops in front of me. "I'm one call away, Tetris. In case you change your mind."

Anger boils inside me as he walks past. I breathe in and out, trying to keep it at bay, my hands shaking. I turn back to the empty mug in front of me and start pouring hot water on it, clearly aware of the guys' watchful stares.

"Tetris..." Alec starts.

"I'm fine."

I'm not. But no one's going to chase me out of here, especially after the man wrote lyrics on my back. Whatever it's all about, I can feel it imprinted on my skin.

Plus, my mind is already made up.

I'm going to stay, even if no one wants me here.

sorry for the late update. uni just started and aaaaa i just got the scholarship i've been eyeing since my freshman year. so yeah, with my other commitments, i'm gonna be extra busy. even if i don't want it, i have to cut myself some slack. so the update's gonna be once a week instead of twice. sorry 😭

i hope this one's worth the wait.

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