07: Tetris in E's Lair

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07: Tetris in E's Lair


I knew when the moment my sneakers landed loudly against the tiles, I was damned.

Holland sits on his chair with the whole band standing behind him. I meet the five pairs of eyes shooting skeptical glances in my direction. They are all staring at me as if I don't belong there. Perhaps, I am. The echoes of my sneaker-clad feet alone sound so wrong.

It's common knowledge.

Which is why I refuse to give that fact the power to make me uncomfortable in where I stood.

My mind switches gears as I scrutinize the members of the most famous rock band in the world, Eunoia. I recognize each one of them and their roles, which make my stomach churn in disappointment.

Alec begins to introduce me and vice versa. I let him since I know he thinks that he's doing it out of politeness. He thought I was a fan when he caught me that night. I don't want him thinking his assumptions are correct because I'm farthest from being their fan. And even if they're the last band on earth, no way in hell am I going to 'fangirl' over their songs.

"This is Tetris Posziel." The corner of Holland's mouth tips up slightly, clearly fighting an amused smile. "She goes by the nickname, Rhys."

Toro, a beefy man, says his hello with a contagious grin that I don't return. The two lean guys, Peyton the lead guitarist and Cyprus the bassist, just grunt. While Missori the pianist, who's on the skinny side but still has his fair share of muscle, only smiles. They are all clean-cut with tattoos on both of their arms that I'm starting to think they are requirements.

I've recently seen a picture of Alec with huge tattoos on his arms too. He also has one on his right chest and his lower torso. Not that I'm stalking him, though. I only saw that on a magazine stand one morning.

Needless to say, they are all hot.

An epitome of a modern rock band.

I hope my appreciation didn't show on my face.

"I assume you know why you're here?" Holland's voice cut through my train of thoughts.

"Actually, I don't," I say as I sit on a chair Alec offered. If I'm any other woman, I might swoon, but I barely glance at him.

The other members of the band take their seats on a curved sofa where Alec is sitting. I feel like I'm currently on police custody and they are just waiting for me to admit a crime I didn't do.

Holland leans back against his chair as Eunoia watches our exchange. "Look here—"

I cut him off, not ready to answer his obvious questions. "Don't you think it's dangerous to send a coveted rock star to pick me up? You, of all people, should know that's nefarious. I might be dangerous, you know."

On my left, I hear a hushed whisper, "What's nefarious?" followed by a round of snickers.

"But you aren't," Holland says matter-of-factly. "You mostly stay in your apartment with Rosie and a dog named Tripper. The fact that you're rooming with a media person and a dog should be a red flag, but Rosie isn't a journalist and Tripper is a short-legged corgi, am I right?"

I open my mouth but no sound came out. Holland smirks. "Now, for your other concern, we secured the area before sending Alec MacSweeny, the coveted rock star, to pick you up."

"How did you know that?" I ask when I can't think of any smart-ass retort.

"Background check, Blocks."

Blocks? BLOCKS! He just gave me a freaking nickname. I glare. "Don't call me that."

"I do what I do. You do yours, Blocks."

I grit my teeth. Arguing with him is pointless. Hell, his whole existence is pointless for me at this moment because I shouldn't' be here.

"Anyway, back to the point why you're here." Didn't mean to say that out loud. "I'll give you one chance to explain why you're in MacSweeny's room that night or we're going to sue you for trespassing."

My blood runs cold. I look at Alec, but the friendly man who kept making me talk earlier is gone. His face is a blank mask as he stares back at me. So is the rest of Eunoia.

I square my shoulder, not giving in. "And I'll give you the same explanation I told you that morning. The receptionist gave me the wrong key card. When I heard his voice, I panicked. Thought he was a thief or something."

"We both know that explanation is bullshit." He scoffs and pulls a photo out of the pocket of his jeans. The photo I don't want to see anymore. My lips thinned. "Pretty sure you saw this around the internet, eh?" He tries to catch my eyes as I continue examining the photo. The amusement in his eyes is making me uneasy. "You failed the first test, Blocks. Let's try this one more time, okay?"

He looks at Eunoia who surprisingly remains silent before he turns back to me. "What's this? You never told me why you suddenly tried to attack him."

I tilt my head. "I told you, actually. But you didn't believe me," I say referring to that one time we met six years ago, after he saved me from doing a humiliating scene in front of a live camera.

"Because you lied."

"You always think I lie, Chicken. Don't you think you're being biased here and just wanted to make me say what you want to hear?"

Whatever retort Holland is about to say is cut off when Peyton and Toro laugh loudly. We all frown as they slap each other's back while trying to control their laughter. "He—" Toro wheeze. "I mean... she called you chicken."

The rest of the band follow as the inside joke registered, even Alec lets out an amused chuckle, while Holland and I remain sitting awkwardly, trying to make sense of what's happening.

"Dude," Peyton exclaims as their laughter dies down, only to start again. "I'm sorry, continue please."

"Leave this room. Now."


Alec suddenly stands up, effectively silencing everyone in the vicinity. He looks at me and then turns his gaze to Holland. "I'll talk to her. You guys scurry off."

Holland gets to his feet as well. "No way, dude. We talked about duties and this is mine. You guys go. I'll talk to her alone."



They stare at each other, both men unrelenting. Several seconds tick by before Holland sighs. Even though he's bigger, he seems to know when to pick his battles and backs off. At this moment, I almost paste the very first smile on my face since the incident this morning. Almost.

"We'll be in the studio." He turns his blazing eyes back to me. "We have hidden cameras in this room and two bodyguards by the door. The elevator's not working unless you know the passkey. You have no way out if you try anything stupid, Blocks."

I don't know how dangerous this man thinks of me. I'm petite, five foot three and have no fighting skills to save my life. But okay. I shrug. "I know how to use a door. About time you learn how to use one and go on your way. Alec said himself he'd talk to me alone after all."

The guys begin to chuckle and I see Alec out of the corner of my eye fighting a smile as well.

Holland and the band scurry out the door.

And I'm finally left alone with him.

Contrary to what Holland thought of me, for the first time since that night, I don't know any way out.

I hear him sigh, "I couldn't figure you out, Rhys. Who are you?"

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