03: Tetris in Trouble

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03: Tetris in Trouble


My upper lids feel like they're taped on my lower lids. I just want to sleep for three days and forget that I'm alive. Maybe if I do, I will probably feel new again and not like a depressing, ugly sack of potato.

If only this black-haired rooster in front of me will shut the fuck up and send me on my way.

"Here's the thing Ms. Tetris Posziel—" I'm certain he's holding back a laugh. The way his eyes crinkle at the corners and him pronouncing my last name like it's a hardship? Yep. He finds this funny and I just found someone to murder tonight. "If you'd give me a coherent, no-nonsense answer, we should be saying bye-bye thirty minutes ago. But as you..." A snort escapes his throat before he tries to cover it with a cough. "Sorry about that—"

I stand up.

"You had enough fun. I think it's time for me to go now."

My reaction seems like a trigger. The huge man erupts into fits of laughter. I use every fiber of my being to stay rooted in my spot and let him finish. My face remains stoic as I watch him almost fall off his seat from laughing uncontrollably. I'm honestly surprised he hasn't.

He's a huge man—tall, muscular and very much good-looking. His long strands of inky black hair are tied up in a man bun and his eyes that are now twinkling with mirth are the color of hazel. I like sexy, longhaired men and they're usually my type. But this one? This one I'm going to dig a huge-ass hole to fit him into.

His laughter finally fades into chuckles. He uses his big thumb to wipe an imaginary tear on his left eye. "Damn girl. I thought you ain't gonna be funnier. Then you opened your mouth and proved me wrong."

I roll my eyes. "Can I go now?"

His head shakes and he clears his throat. He seems to gather himself. But the smile in his eyes tells me that one wrong word and he'll... I don't know, die of laughter?

"I need you to sign an NDA."

"I told you, I didn't intend to steal anything or stalk him. The receptionist gave me the wrong room. It's not my fault." I wave the keycard in front of his face for the umpteenth time. "See?"

His eyes harden, all traces of joy gone. "We didn't find your name on any list. It's safer to drop the act now and sign the NDA."

We'd been sitting in his room for the last hour. I woke up groggy, almost like I had been in a coma for over a decade and opened my eyes for the first time. Strangely, though, it still felt like I hadn't slept a wink.

A woman wearing a white lab coat stood before me when I opened my eyes. For a moment, I thought I was dreaming. Then she asked me if I was taking medication for my dust-mite allergy. The mortification I felt last night woke me a little and I sat up like my butt was on fire, telling her that I was okay and didn't need her help.

When I was a little human enough to walk around the suite minutes later, I found the room empty and Alec's things were gone.

I don't know where he'd gone but probably where I won't find him. The embarrassing stunt that happened last night might've scared him away. Hell, I will run as fast as I can too. And if I know I'm as important as Alec MacSweeny, I'll probably sue my pathetic excuse of a being by now.

Holland had opened his door when he heard the elevator dinged, courtesy of me trying to sneak out hoping not to face anyone, especially not him. I didn't want to come with him inside, but when the door to my right was about to open, he pulled me rather forcefully and shut his door. I just found out that the whole band, plus the concert guests and the opening band, are all staying on this floor. Holland might have dropped hints that if I didn't make this fast, there might be more ink to waste...

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