Light a Cork My Pretty Little Angel

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"Please," I said while hugging him tightly. I couldn't bear the fact that I could lose him and that I didn't appreciate him when I should've.

"Goddammit (Y/N), you're so goddamn stubborn," he says. He turns around to look me in the eyes. 

I knew he was right and I was prepared to get him back. I knew that I didn't deserve him but I couldn't help but want him. He was the only one who knew me, who understood me, he accepted me even when I shut him out.

"I want you and only you. Please, Levi." after I begged for the last time, there was a pause. One that continued to suffocate the air and I would get my air back if I could get him too.

He then wraps his arms around me. I'm engulfed in the warmness and sweet scent of Levi. I was ecstatic that he took me back. He didn't give up. He didn't give up on me like everyone else. I take in every second of the moment. I felt the safest in his arms and I never wanted to leave. Unfortunately, he let go. 

"We should ta-" and he suddenly paused to take a look at me. As he stood there, I couldn't help but admire him. I see his features, from his raven colored hair to his dirty boots planted on the ground. But the ground started to shake. At first it was subtle but then it became rapid and more violent. 

"Let's go now!" he shouts over the noise that surrounds us. We start to run and I'm following Levi. I feel a sudden shadow form over me. I turn around and gasp.

It was a really large human being. No clothes, no parts either. It looked like an action figure to me. My eyes widened at the sight of such a thing and I wondered how this was even possible. I was in shock. I saw it run and knock down trees as if they were just leaves. It was powerful, it was huge, it was not human.

"(Y/N)! Move!" I heard Levi from a distance. I tried my hardest to run as fast as I could but I still didn't have shoes as I stepped on branches and nature's obstacles. The shadow enclosed on me more as I looked back to see a hand. I ducked and was successful.

"Shit (Y/N)!" I saw Levi coming my way and he swiftly took me off my feet. He put me on his back and started running once again. The giant was on our tail but he couldn't reach us. How is he so powerful but he can't catch us?

"How are we gonna lose it?!" I yelled over the long stomps of the titan.

"We have to get to the spot and underground as fast as possible."

I point as it's within sight. But as Levi is running the Giant's hand reaches out as it was short of grabbing Levi but it grabbed me instead. It took me by my shirt. It had my collar. I felt myself being lifted as the ground was farther away from me.

"(Y/N)!!" Levi shouts. I look at Levi as he has ultimate worry on its face. I hear him shouting curse words and he starts throwing rocks and whatever he could find at the figure. "Let her go!" he shouts "(Y/N), don't freak out!"

Then I suddenly stop. Still hanging by my collar, I look up to see it face to face and instantly I could not move, I was paralyzed. The giant had semi-long locks of hair and teeth that extended from ear to ear. It was the eyes though, it seemed as if they were electric. I felt a sort of newfound fear rush through me as I was facing this foreign giant in the middle of the woods where no one could see, no one could help while Levi was as small as a speck of dust trying to get me back. It was a helpless fear that was stronger than any experience before.

I'm going to die.

Misery Loved Me || Yandere Levi x Reader † [ON HOLD}Where stories live. Discover now