They Don't Believe in Us, but I Believe We're the Enemy

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

I wake up to see my sister in a chair sleeping. She looks so different. I try to prop myself up but there's a sharp pain in my wrist. It was wrapped in a bandage. My sister woke up to my grunting and went towards me. 

"Careful, careful." she said in alarm "You fractured your wrist in the accident so take it easy. I got you a brace instead of getting you a cast because I know how much you hate casts." she stood up and went outside of the room to call for a doctor. About five minutes later the doctor came. 

"She's awake." the doctor says with a smile "I'm gonna put a brace on your wrist so it can heal because you have a fractured wrist." I nod in agreement and she takes the brace from my sister.

I look at my sister and I've seen how much she's changed. Her hair used to be reddish brown but now it's jet black. Before she would never be caught dead wearing all black but she's wearing it. And those combat boots. Is that really her?

"Sasha," I call her

"Yeah (y/n)?"

"You look different,"

"Yeah that's what time and age does to ya." she cracks a smile

"Alright I'm done." The doctor says "(y/n) if you don't mind, someone would like so see you."

"Who is it?" I ask

"C'mon in..." the doctor says. In walks Blair, the girl who practically saved my life.

"Oh my god," she says as she sees me. She walks up to me and gives me a hug. 

"Take it easy Blair, remember she has a concussion and a fractured wrist."

"Yeah mom I know," she responds

mom "She's your mother?"

"Yeah, but uh don't worry about that. How are you (y/n)?"

"Um I've been better."

"Amen to that." she mutters

My sister looks at me with a sort of concern. 

"Hey Blair can you give us a second? I need to talk to my sister."

"Okay, we'll be outside if you need us." Blair and her mother leaves the room.

"Sasha, what's up?" I ask

"Are you okay with being friends with Blair? After the situation and all?"

"I honestly don't know."

"I can imagine that it could be hard seeing her after knowing that you guys went through that together. What I'm saying is that I don't want you to feel like you have to be her friend because you guys went through that together. It's your choice (y/n)."

"Sasha, honestly it's hard in general even without seeing her. I feel like I can't sleep right. I want him to be found, I have bruises that remind me of that when I don't even want to remember."

"(Y/n that's another thing, there's gonna be a bunch of press and paparazzi and investigating. I don't want you to crumble down or feel pressured especially since there's order that a policeman should be around the house since this Levi guy is still out there."

"I can handle it." I say with hesitation at the back of my mind.

Blair's P.O.V.

(Y/n and her sister and talking and my mom brings up a topic.

"Hey Blair, I think it's best if we move, like out of state. I can imagine all of this getting out of control and I don't want this to take a huge toll on you. I was gonna try to apply for a job transfer and I think they'll let me because my seniority here."

"Move? What about (y/n)? What about my friends? What about Hange?"

Hange is Blair's girlfriend. The relationship is very serious and they love each other.

"You can still keep contact with them or visit it's just that I'm trying to think of what's best for you." 

"So what you think is best for me is running away?"

"I never thought I'd say this but yes, I do." he admitted "I can't lose you again Blair and with your kidnapper on the loose we're just sitting ducks."

I sigh at the fact that what she said was true. I didn't wanna leave (y/n) alone or just leave because then it would happen to someone else.

"Blair, I know you wanna be the hero. But you can't be a hero if you're not even saved. I don't want anything like this to happen to you again, you've gone through enough. Don't you think so?"

"Doesn't matter because you can't actually run away from your problems no matter how much you try. Moving away is just a waste of money mom."

"If this is about (y/n) or Han-"

"No it's not just about that, I don't wanna feel like I have to seclude myself because of the situation because that's not fair. Before I was.." I have a deep breath as I shudder to the word "kidnapped, everything was okay. Nothing should change because of it." Honestly I was putting on a brave face. I was actually terrified at the idea that this guy Levi is still out there and (y/n) and I were up for a fight. I got the fight in me anyway though, it's in my blood and man have I not actually had much entertainment in a while. Well I'm not saying that this situation is entertainment, you know what I mean. 

"Okay Blair. But if there's any sign of the kidnapper or danger and we can't get him arrested. We're gone." she says strictly to me. 

I nod in agreement

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