Love Never Wanted Me but I Took it Anyway

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After I text Annie and tell her that I'm at the door she arrives a few minutes later.

"Hey," she says as she motions for me to come in. I walk with her and the building looks so abandoned. 

"If you're wondering why it looks this way around here, no one comes here because of a murder scandal that was here and put it out of business. The owner who built it from the foot up still has possession so I tracked him down and paid for utilities blah blah blah but just for my room because I'm not gonna use the entire hotel anyway."

"You can do that?"

"I mean I guess... since I did it."

After we got up the stairs she guided me to the door. She twisted the nob and bam opened. She walks in and immediately takes something off of the mirror by the door, I think it was a paper, maybe a picture but I didn't get quite a look at it. She turns looks around the place before turning to me saying, 

"Do you want to sit?" she motions her hand at the couch sitting in the living room area and I take the offer to sit. "So what's up (Y/N)?"

I uh think I'm pregnant I say in my head Pregnant. That word courses through my head and I must've been gone too long because she waves a hand over my face. 


"Yeah?" I snap out of my thoughts. 

"Lemme get you something to drink." She goes to her kitchen and is gone for about a few minutes then coming back with some juice.

"I didn't know what you wanted so I made a guess," she said

"That's alright." It looks like lemonade. I love lemonade. :-) I took the cup and took a sip. It tasted really nice.

"So what's on your mind?"


"School? or the thing?"

"The thing. See I-"

"Don't worry about it. We don't have to talk about it. I can ease your mind into something else!" I appreciated that she offered something like that. I don't even know what I really want. I should tell her.

"I-I'm..." I started to feel nauseous. I then started to breathe hard, "I... Uh. Where is your bathroom?" I blurted out. 

"Down the hall," she pointed "First door to the left." 

I then darted there, lifted the toilet seat and vomited. I can't, do this...

I then heard a knock on the door and then Annie saying "Hey (Y/N), I'll go across the street to get something for you to help you stop vomiting." She then slipped my phone under the door. "Call for help if it gets worse (Y/N), I'll be as fast as I can."

I nodded


I realized that she didn't see me nod and I said "Yeah, go."

**Random Author's Note- I had restarted my laptop when doing this and I swear I thought I lost part of this chapter bc it went away but I got it back so all is good!! \(^0^)/ **

I heard footsteps grow softer until I heard another sound of a door shut. I'm sitting near the toilet with my back against the shower and I'm sleepy but I try to stay awake. "I'm pregnant..." I whisper. 

"Congratulations," I hear a voice from behind me. I turn around really quick, but no one was there. I'm losing it, I thought. I was breathing hard and all of a sudden the flashbacks came to me. The panting, breathing, sweat and how hot it was. I dug my own grave that night and I knew it. My head started to spin and I got even more tired. I'm just gonna close my eyes until Annie gets back. I did so and eventually, I dosed off. 


Annie comes close to me to feel my forehead and I see Levi behind her. 

"Annie," I say in a raspy voice as I point forward. I look at her. "It's him..." 

She turns around but when she does, he's gone. I look in disbelief. Then in flashes, it comes all back together. Levi forcing us into the stall, taking away my soul, my dignity. Looking at it all made it hard for me to breathe, seeing me be a helpless pussy and not fight harder. I screamed at it saying "STOP." I hate reliving that moment over and being pregnant is an even crueler reminder of the shit I'm going through. I scream again only to scream out of my sleep.

I sit up quickly at Annie who just came in and was kneeling with a cold pack and some water.

"Rough sleep huh?" she said. But then this time I really did feel breathing behind me, on my neck. It was too close, and there was only one person I knew who had a problem with personal space. I take the glass of water slowly and take a sip. Next, I counted to three in my head and then thrust it backward, hitting something hard and taking the glass of water and pouring it on Annie's face and throwing the glass at her. I quickly try to get up but then a hand grips my leg. I then forcefully yank my leg away and stomped on the hand. There was my head start and I was gonna take it. I used all of my might to run to the door then I heard footsteps behind me to see Levi, he was running after me with all of his speed. I got to the stairs and started to go faster but that didn't matter because he was arm's length. At his first attempt he almost got a hold of my arm but then I twisted and proceeded to fall but he caught me, turning us around so that he was to land with me on top of him. I tried to take full advantage of this and get away but though he was hurt, his arms were strong and held me. He took one hand and took a rag out of his pocket. I knew what this meant and I tried moving my head as much as I could but he caught it and put the rag over my mouth and nose. I was already out of breath from running so taking each breath was making it worse. Everything started getting darker until everything went black.

Misery Loved Me || Yandere Levi x Reader † [ON HOLD}Where stories live. Discover now