I'm Taking Over My Body

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Days went by and after looking at the calendar for so long, the day finally came. Levi would leave for his so called trip. He talked about just skipping again but he did his own measure of pros and cons while cleaning and drinking tea. He eventually came to a conclusion that it was his best bet to just go and leave me. Now he was finishing on packing his things. He packed enough for three days.

"I should be gone for three days, I put enough food here for ten." that's a pretty huge difference in days, is it in the case of emergency or the fact that I'm hungry all the time? I was surprised that he was doing this and actually leaving me here alone. And again, how could I leave if it's completely locked and I don't know where I am? I watched him as he was getting ready, going around and checking the place along with cleaning again and packing his tea bags, man does he love cleaning and drinking black tea. I look around to see what he has left me and I see some books, a boombox along with some CDs. He was smart enough to get me that instead of anything more modern so that I couldn't communicate with the outside world, what a shame. After doing his last touches he finally picks up his suitcase walks up to me and leans in. Though I lean away, objecting his gestures, he kisses my forehead instead.

"Why are you upset with me? I'm leaving you alone for a few days." he frowns then sighs "If you find a way out, leave and I won't come get you, I'll leave you alone."

I stay silent. Why is he doing this? I refuse to not say anything. If I escape, I'll make sure he rots in a cell then in hell. How could he ask me for something like this despite what he's done? He deserves nothing good from me, ever. He then sighs again in defeat then leaves through the door. After shutting the door I heard a series of familiar cranks and sounds of locks and I knew it was gonna be difficult but I will get out. 

Day One

I went to all the walls in this place and knocked on them, hoping I would find a hollow spot. After an hour of going through everywhere five times, I found an official hollow spot in the bathroom. It was in between the sink and the toilet. I knocked on it again and again and I was for sure, I'd seen this in many movies and I hoped it would work in this situation. I looked around the place to see anything that could help me burst open the wall and I couldn't find anything at the time. I took a break to go to the kitchen and get something to eat, I was indecisive on what to eat but then I came to the conclusion to eat ramen. Last time I ate ramen it was two weeks ago while I sat across Levi at the table, he was also eating ramen.

"Use the chopsticks brat, it's way better than a stupid fork."

I gave him a glare but chose to ignore him because why give in to his pettiness?

I get back into reality and see the bowl in front of me on the table, chopstick on each side. I take them both and put them in my right hand and between my fingers. I try to pick up a noodle and as I try to loop them around but then I fail as the noodle falls back into my bowl. I sigh and try again. After the third attempt, I finally got the noodle wrapped around the sticks and lifted them to my mouth only to accidentally spread my fingers and the noodle slip in between them before my eyes and back into the bowl. At this point, I'm fumed, angry, and pissed the fuck off. I get up, pick up the bowl walk to the bathroom and pour the noodles down the toilet. At this point, I lost my appetite, but that wasn't enough, I was still pissed off. I walk towards the kitchen and stop, looking at the bowl with the haunting chopsticks that discouraged me as far as eating. I was finished. All my anger built up, not only at these stupid ass chopsticks but also at the fact that I'm here, why am I here? I was so fed up that I threw the fucking bowl at the wall by the door Levi went out. And surprise! It makes a crack on the wall. I looked at the wall in disbelief, I broke the fucking wall! I scream in excitement and begin to hope that somehow I can get out but I knew that it would take all my strength, but I would rather die than stay with him for any longer. I searched more. I then looked at the camera and saw it move. I slyly continued to do what I was doing and I moved to see if it would follow me and well enough, it did. I walked up to it and gave it my best glare.

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