Start from the beginning

"What did he do this time?" J hope sighs as he crosses his arms and sits on the couch watching the drama unveil. 

"No one and I mean no one at work wants to talk to me because Mr. Bossy pants over here told them that I was a mentally unstable child who gets delusional and violent at times. No new recruits want to talk to me" she whines then flops onto the couch next to Jungkook. We all look at Jin waiting for his response but he is just cleaning his nails. 


"What? She should be happy, why does she want other boys to talk to her when she has me?" He asks and we all roll our eyes in unison. This was Jin being jealous again, when Jin gets jealous he does the most extreme.  

"If you want me all to yourself so badly why haven't you put a ring on my finger yet?" She asks him with her arms crossed. 

"Who asks to get proposed?" Jin nervously laughs. Jin and Daya have been dating for almost 3 years now and when I say dating I mean arguing for the first 6 months then realizing that they do couplie things such as kissing and holding hands. It took them a while to realize that they actually liked each other but the sparks were lit when Jin was recruited by the agency part time since he saved Yoongi and me from dying. So now he has his dumb pink gun that he shows off to everyone and has a license to kill. 

"Are you two done because I have a Tv show to watch" Jimin asks them and they both nod their heads allowing Jimin to return to his bedroom.  

"Where's Tyrone?" Jungkook asks me as he looks around the living room. 

"Jungkook stop calling Yoon Shin Tyrone he'll get confused" I scold him but he just shrugs his shoulders not really caring.  

"Yo TYRONE!" He shouts forcing us to all cover our ears. A couple of seconds later my little boy comes out running from our bedroom and jumps into Kookie's arms making me roll my eyes at the site of his happy face. "Let's go and kill some... 

"Niggas" Yoon Shin finishes Jungkook's sentence making me gasp and Jungkook gives him a high five before carrying him out of the living room and into his video gaming room. I should really stop letting Jungkook take care of Yoon Shin, he is such a bad influence and keeps trying to make my son hood for some odd reason. 

"Everyone please remember family dinner at 7pm sharp!" I yell so that everyone in the dorm can hear me. Whenever I plan a family dinner it never works out because either someone has forgotten or Jin has pissed someone off so the dinner is extra awkward but today is me and Yoongi's 3-year anniversary and I need everyone to be on their best behavior. 

"I'm cooking because you can't cook shit" Jin speaks up making Zendaya agree with him then they both high five each other and that my friends is how they forget everything that has just happened and forgive each other.  

Selfdestruct has sent you a message 

Selfdestruct: Come in at SK headquarters we need to discuss an important issue. 

Me: But its my day off, can we please deal with this 2moz 

Selfdestruct: It'll be quick I promise 

Messages have selfdestruct 

I sigh as I put my phone back into my pocket and make my way towards my bedroom to get changed. I hate it when Tom sends me emergency messages because I know as a spy I have no choice but to answer to them and that sucks. On Yoon Shin's 1st birthday I was late because of a mission, I felt so bad but at least Yoongi and the others were there for him. I change into a black hoodie and leggings before brushing my hair back and tying it up. 

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