Chapter 13- Locked Out

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Cough And it's selling out all my social media accounts lol cough cough

You came to work one day, as per usual, but you noticed the cars of other staff members weren't around. As far as you could tell, only one or two were here- Henry and Wally and Sammy's. You were hesitant, but you walked towards the entrance, knocking for the first time in forever. You were scared to barge in, knowing something was off.

There was no answer.

As you pushed the door open ever so slightly, flinching at the creeping noise, it suddenly swung open towards you. The solid wood bashed you hard in the face, making you stumble back and grip your noise in aching pain.

You glared in front of you to see Sammy, Henry and Wally being shoved out of the studio by none other than their boss Joey. You mumbled a 'huh?' As you watched in silence. You listened to the four men shout and argue at eachother.

"You can't just kick us out! This is our job!" Henry argued, trying to reason with Joey. Joey looked unfazed.

"It's my studio, and you're my employees, and I'm ordering yo to leave and never come back!" The boss of the crew snapped.

"Please!" Wally pleaded quietly, "We've done nothing wrong!"

Wally was never the type to argue. He was actually pretty quiet, but this was enough to make him argue back. Even if he wasn't really standing up for himself and the crew, he was still retaliating, so it must've been bad.

Now Sammy, on the other hand, was the type to raise his fists. You could see the rage in his eyes as he stood silently behind Wally and Henry, watching them in disgust as they try to verbally reason with Joey.

You came to like him, actually, when he wasn't obsessing over Bendy. He told you Bendy was defying the laws of nature, and that he must be a god, but you ignored that over time. And when you blocked his craziness out, he was a decent guy. Once he opened up to you, of course. He wasn't afraid stand up for himself, and sometimes you when you were in the right. You kinda appreciated his blunt attitude that kept the workshop in order.

Anyway, Sammy's hands curled up into tight, shaking fists as he watched their pathetic arguing. He had seen enough, shoving the two men in front of him to the side and barging through. He came right up to Joey, their noses almost touching. He raised a finger accusingly.

"You think this is funny, Drew? You think this is a fuckin' game?" He grunted with a mocking chuckle. Joey almost backed away. Almost. "I don't care if you're my boss. I don't care who you are. I'll stick my foot so far up your ass that you'll be coughing up my shoe."

He brought his fists towards Joey, but was held back by Henry. Sammy whipped his head around, staring at Henry as if he was crazy.

"Stop, Sammy. I know you're trying to help, but it's not worth it. HE'S not worth it." Henry said frantically. Sammy thought his words over, then ripped his arm out of Henry's grip.

"You think I'd care if I went to jail? I'm already in a cell that I call my 'office'!" He complained. Henry almost rolled his eyes. Even after this, Sammy was still complaining about the work conditions. In your year of working with Sammy, you'd found that he seemed to complain a lot about EVERYTHING. And he things now is a good idea to complain.

"Not anymore." Joey added snootily. You could see Sammy's eyes burn into vicious fire.

"Why you little--!" He yelled, turning around and blowing a full punch to Joey's face. Joey's head snapped to the side, and he almost instantly held his noise protectively. Blood was dripping through the gaps in his fingers as he reached for a tissue from his pocket. He held it to his bloody nose. His face was expressionless, as if nothing had happened.

"I guess I deserved that." Joey says, "You've had your fun. Now leave."

Sammy turns, his back arched in anger as he walks off, mumbling threats and rude remarks under his breathe. He walks towards you, bumping into your side. He grabs you before you fall over.

"What's going o-on?" You stutter, even though you kind of pieced together what happened.

"This guy thinks he can throw us away like yesterday's trash" Sammy gritted, walking past everyone to his car. You didn't want him to go, but what could you do? So, you just watched as everyone followed his lead, leaving in their cars and silently driving away in their own direction, Sammy driving like a madman down the road of course.

You turned to Joey with a desperate expression, but he just gave you a cold glare. It froze you up just looking at him, so you didn't dare question him, now that the other guys were gone.

As Joey shut the door, you noticed many fresh ink stains plastering his apron. What was he doing?

You turned on your heals to see a car parked right behind you. The window was reeled down to reveal Henry as the driver.

"Want a lift?" He asks kindly.

And that's how it happened. That's how you lost your life, your dream job, and most importantly, the best thing that's ever happened to you...Bendy. You didn't go back to the workshop, you would've dared. Of course, you kept in touch with all your new friends; Wally Franks, Susie Campbell, Norman Polk and more than anyone Henry. You had found a new job working in an office with Norman, but it wasn't the same. You always found it funny that Norman was a pretty, well....'normal man.' Nothing special or different about him. Nothing define.

And Sammy Lawrence? God knows where he was. Henry had met up with you one day, telling you he had just vanished. He'd lost all contact with him, suspiciously enough a few days after Sammy went back to the workshop to have a little 'chat' with Joey. You were worried, but Henry reassured you that Sammy was fine, and he could take care of himself. He was a tough guy.

You felt the years drag out, slowly, slowly, slowly ticking by. One year, two years, three years, six years. You were thirty one now. You felt like you were waisting your life away, no matter how many holidays you'd go on with friends, or how much time you'd spend with family. Hell, you even tried to get into a solid relationship, but none of them were right for you. None of them that special.

When you felt really upset, you'd look at your old phone. It contained endless pictures of you, Bendy and Boris doing all sorts of things. Playing games and all sorts of things. You even had one of Bendy attempting to ride a bike in the workshop without stabilisers, his face blurred in the photo. It was taken seconds before he fell off. But your favourite one was the first picture you ever took of him. The one of him sleeping at your house.

It felt like a miracle when one day, Henry phones you up after you get home from work. It was a chilly night, similar to the night you found the paper for the job at the workshop. When Henry's number came up on the phone you waisted no time picking it up- you hadn't spoken to him in ages.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Oct 14, 2017 ⏰

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