To Japan with the virus

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Things were getting pretty tough in America. Blackwatch was really cracking down on the few prototypes that remained, though they were the elites and among the first few infected apart from one or two lucky ones. Blackwatch had been upping up their game, introducing some new nerve agents which slow down our ability to regenerate and introducing specialised super soldiers. I was among the few left alive. My name is y/n, and this is how I met the ghouls of Tokyo.

I got the idea to travel to Phenix and then get a plane to Tokyo after blackwatch started executing civys. I was sick of the constant murder so I decided to move. I had a lot of money as I've consumed a lot of people and got the pin codes for any debit cards they had. I got an apartment in the 20th ward and since I was no longer young enough to go to school, I had to get a job though I hadn't got one yet. I was in my apartment chilling when I decided to scout the area out late at night so less people would be suspicious with my antics.

I had been over a back ally when I smelt something was off, some kind of beast was nearby. I dashed over the rooftops until I found some guy eating a dead body

Y/n: Damn that's sick

A boy then came into the ally and broke down. I moved across next to a ventilation fan box thing for a better view. The boy was crying and on his knees until I realised one of his eyes were black with a red pupil.

Y/n: This feels like it's out of TV.

The man then offered him an arm to eat but was quickly put down by a man kicking him in the back of the head, tearing his head off

Y/n: Grr... This is some kind of species that feeds on humans

The man then got the boy by the throats and up against a wall and started talking. A girl then jumped down

Y/n: I've seen enough of this, I could use some tea tomorrow

Time skip to next afternoon

I was looking for a nice café to try and blend in and see what kind of culture the people here had. I came across this place called Anteiku. I walked in and it was quite nice. I sat down and looked out the window and I could here them talking about me

Girl: I don't like the smell of him, watch him

Y/n: I can hear you

They turned away and got back to work. A boy came up to serve me

Boy: What can I get you today sir?

Y/n: I'll have a tea and biscuits. Oh, and what would you like to drink?

Boy: Um... Coffee?

Y/n: A coffee as well then

Boy: Ok sir

After a few moments he came back with my order

Y/n: Thank you and please take a seat

Boy: Thank you sir

Y/n: Now, I've moved from England to Manhattan to here and I know nothing about this place. What should I know?

Boy: Um, well they're are people called ghouls that eat people to survive but they only need it once or twice a month

Y/n: That what you are then?

Boy: What?

Y/n: First, no humans sense of smell can detect me, two, that coffee defiantly isn't normal and third, with that heat sig, there's no way your human

Boy: Yeah, I'm a ghoul

Y/n: What's your name boy?

Kankei: Kenkei, sir

Y/n: Y/n. You were in a ally yesterday weren't you?

Kankei: How did you know?

Y/n: I was watching from the roof

Girl: Kankei! What are you doing?

Y/n: Ah miss, please join us as you have such a great interest in me

She couldn't deny the chance so she walked over. I took a sip of my tea and leaned back

Y/n: Now miss, what's your name?

Touka: Touka. What's it to you?

Y/n: A name is the only thing that will truly be yours and so I would like to know. My name is Y/n

Touka: Now, what are you?!

Y/n: No need to be so rude, but have you heard of a man named Alex Mercer?

Kankei: Yeah he was all over the news in 2001 and 2. He started the outbreaks

Y/n: Do you know what he is?

Touka: Yeah, a Bio-terrorist

Y/n: In a way yes. He worked at gen-tec on a virus called Blacklight which would, depending on the variant, would make someone into pretty much a shape shifting super powerful deadman who could start outbreaks or infect people with the virus type A, the one I just described. I am one such person

Touka: Bullshit!

Y/n: I can prove it

Kankei: Come to the back

And so we got up with my cup of tea and went into the back into a mini house so to speak

Touka: This is where I live so you better not mess it up

I had my blade arm out but they were in front of me so they had no idea

Y/n: You've made this place look nice despite the small size

She turned around to look at me but was shocked at my arm

Touka: K-Kankei... His arm

He then turned around and took a step back in shock

Y/n: Oh my arm? Hold on I'll change it for you

I changed it to a claw and leaned against a wall with my tea. They just stood there in shock. Touka's eyes then went red and a wing like shape appeared from her back

Y/n: Shall we take this outside?

A/n: New book hope yall enjoy and don't worry I'll eventually finish all my books

Japan's Virus ( Prototype x Tokyo Ghoul)Where stories live. Discover now