She scowled, "Piss off, Malfoy."

I laughed again, just as Pansy asked, "When is Divination today?"

"Second period." Daphne answered, then turned to Hadley, "Did you finish your homework?"

Carina nodded, taking a bite of toast, "I was in the common room till late." Her eyes flashing to me before they went back to her plate.

I looked away at her words, I had wasted most of my time yesterday playing exploding snap with Crabbe and Goyle in the common room waiting for Carina to make an entrance. Since when did I start giving her so much importance?

Why is Carina Hadley in my head anyway?

I don't even like her that much.

Scowling at my breakfast again, I silently stewed in my own thoughts as conversation flew around me, trying and failing to come to terms with the fact that for someone I'm supposed to hate, Carina Hadley sure takes up a lot of my brain space.


"Okay so..." Zabini said as we settled down for lunch after a long hour of Astronomy, "We have the potions essay due tomorrow."

I nodded, absentmindedly, trying to curl one of the stick figure lines to resemble a bowtruckle, "Do you think this looks good enough?" I asked, as I showed him my half-arsed work. Zabini shrugged, "Looks better than mine."

I rolled my eyes, "Of course it does, Zabini." I scoffed, stuffing the parchment in my bag, "It's done by me."

Zabini said something I couldn't be bothered to hear then and I spied Crabbe and Goyle take their seats opposite us. My eyes skimmed over the Slytherin table looking for one particular blonde who was yet to make an appearance.

Just as the lunch hour came to a close I realised that neither Carina nor Daphne had made an appearance and my annoyance grew.

Tossing the half eaten muffin back in my plate I got up and made my way to the grounds for yet another Magical Creatures lesson, really thrilled that my annoyance won't be rising more since the big oaf won't be around.

A small part of me was happy, Carina has had it coming from me, things have been far too civil between us.

I still don't know why am I hesitating to go after her though, it's almost as if I don't want to add to her issues. Like she's had enough, after hearing all that I did at the train station, it does look like she's had a difficult summer.

A distinct memory flashed into my mind, as I stood between the half-assembled Slytherin near Hagrid's hut, of Carina talking about a competition. She looked so happy that day, like all her life wishes had come true, but for the life of me I don't remember what it was called, or even if I had heard her mention it since we've been back.

"Shut up, Parkinson!" I heard an annoyed voice shoot through my thoughts and I snapped my head up just in time to see a very annoyed looking Carina walking closer to the rest of us, busily munching on a muffin. Pansy huffed as she joined Millicent on the other side, no doubt looking for the next victim for her gossip wagging tongue.

"What?" Carina mouthed as she came to stand beside me, Daphne and Blaise chatting behind her, I smirked.

"What's gotten your knickers in a twist Hadley?" I asked, "Couldn't help but notice your absence at lunch. There was nobody there to bother me, I had a good one."

Her eyes narrowed, "I'm glad you had fun." She hissed and shot to the other side of the group, voluntarily re-joining Pansy.

My smirk deepened.

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