"A few days plus a few more." He's laughing, and then looks around. "Your friends?"

"Yes" I say turning to look at them then realize, dam it there ready to kill me I know another hot guy. Introduce them fast. But before I can say anything P'Sing's take oven.

"You must be my Yo's angels." He's using his most charming smile, and there all melting.

He literally gets up and introduces himself to all of them, kissing them on both cheeks. My gangs speechless and blushing, wow P'Sing, even Rome's gone shy.

"You really have to stop that, you're not in Paris anymore." I laugh.

"Aww so that greeting isn't good here?" He seems sad

"Its perfect p!" Monty states, getting out of his stupor.

"I'm moving to Paris." Elephants all dreamy.

It doesn't take long for them all to get acquainted, there all chatting away, happy to hear P'Sing's going to be around.

"You bought a house here?" I ask

"Yes, you and Ming can come stay with me anytime." P'Sing reply's.

Then he turns to my gang. "I'll invite you all for dinner once I get organized and there is a dining table." He laughs.

My angels are awed and telling him if he needs anything he should just call them.

"Stop trying to get his number, have some shame." I say, and get death glares.

P'Sing just laughs and gives them all his number. "In case you need anything, your welcome to call me, you're my Yo's friends."

Stop throwing all that charm p, there already in love with you. P'Sing's got his arm around my shoulder and is telling them a story about France.

The cafeteria goes into a happy chatting frenzy again, I don't realise till someone's standing next to my table. I look to find a pissed off P'Pha, with his gang.

"More friends?" P'Sing's smiling gets up to greet them.

"P'Sing this is the illegal doctor's gang." I introduce. "Doctors this is my cousin P'Sing."

Okay fine, I didn't specifically introduce P'Pha, okay I might be a little annoyed still, okay I'm being unreasonable, but I was lonely.

They all shake hands, P'Pha still annoyed, he tries to make me sit with him but I stay next to P'Sing, he's more pissed. P'Sing's amused he knows who P'Pha is but stays quite. We sit down, the doctors are all quite, watching p, and they sit opposite.

"Yo! Why are you kissing some hot guy in your cafeteria?" Ming yells walking in, P'Forth's behind him.

P'Sing winks at me and stands up.

"P'Sing" He yells running to hug him, P'Sing kisses both cheeks laughing.

"You just kissed a guy in the cafeteria as well Ming." P'Forth says chuckling.

He introduces them, the p's shake hands, P'Sing comes to sit next to me again, Ming on his other side chatting away. P'Forth takes a seat next to P'Beam opposite us.

Ming gave P'Kit a sad look before sitting. Shit.

"You're moving here? You got a house? Do we get rooms?" Ming's hyper.

"Of course." P'Sing's chuckling. He takes out his phone and shows the pictures.

"Does it have a swimming pool? I want one." Ming's whining

P'Sing's called someone, a few minutes later his secretary comes in, its P'Pin, he's been with my dad for many years I know him. Ming and I both greet him happily, he pats our heads smiling.

"Take down what the boys want Pin." P'Sing says typing something on his phone.

"I want a swimming pool." Ming announces

"A game room, with a few sets would be good. We can hang out right p?" I ask

He pats my head then nods too P'Pin, who hands him two small boxes. He gives me and Ming one each, we open them.

"We get a key to your place?" Ming yells.

"Come any time, I'll have rooms ready for you as well." We both hug him.

"The rooms too small for the game room, we'll need to remove a wall and we need more space for a swimming pool." P'Pin adds showing us more picture on his tablet.

"Take down the wall, there was a lot next to it empty, I bought it, join it with the gardens. Ming wants a pool." He says pointing. Were both looking, Rome's leaning over next to me, my gang comes behind us to look as well. I peek at P'Pha hes giving me a look, I'm going to pay for this later. P'Kit's agitated running his hand threw his hair looking at Ming.

P's phone rings were all still talking, he checks it and clicks his fingers, we go quite, my gang goes silent when we did, trained seals hehehe.

Ming and I point to things, while p talks to someone on the phone about a meeting. P'Beam and P'Forth are watching all this amused, P'Pha and P'Kit got more pissed off when we hugged him and got the keys.

"You still remember that". P'Sing laughs after he finishes his call.

"Our secret signal, hide or be quite." I smile

"What did you all get up too?" Monty's asking.

"Many adventure my dear Monty." P'Sing winks at him.

"Don't say half of them p." Ming's pouting. "Were all grown up now."

"I would love to hear some of them but we have to finish that Report." Rome sighs.

"If it's not on the professor's desk by morning, death will come for us." Monty's so dramatic.

"Sorry to take Yo, P'Sing but we always make sure he gets his work done." Crow's smiling happily at p.

"You all go; I already finished and submitted it this morning."

All heads snap to me, if looks could kill.

"You handed it in? Without us?" Monty's shocked.

"Without letting us copy it?" Elephants outraged.

"E'Yo this might be the end of a friendship!"

"So you don't want to see the copy I saved on a USB for you?" I ask

They all hug me when I hand them the said USB, you useless friends. Rome already said bye and left, he's waiting near the doors talking to someone.

"Monty, who's that guy talking to Rome?" I've seen him before.

"He's in our faculty Yo; he helped Rome review the other day as well."

"What's his name?" I ask, I don't know why, I just got a weird feeling.

"I think its Park."

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