
   No one can see Iron girl crying if her iron mask was still cover up her face.

   you were sitting with full Iron armor on the rooftop of the nightclub, the neon lights reflected on metal and People were so interesting to see you there, they ignored the dancing and drinks inside the club just to took a pictures of you.

   You didn't even want to notice them, you just looked around New York city, attacked  by the  feelings that were hard to explain, it was a mixture of numbness, sadness, lost and rage.

   "What a plot right?" You asked (N/n).

   "What about it?"

   "I'm dying."

   "You are?" She asked. "I never detected any diseases."

   "It's because it's a tiny bomb in my head dumbshit, my head won't blow if it exploded i think, i'd just... knocked out." Said so desperately. You stopped crying and just feel so done with everything.

   You realized you swore at (N/n), but you didn't feel bad at all. It's like there's nothing to care about, knowing you'll be dead soon.

   "After all i've done for you? Anyway, Tony Stark is trying to locate us, what to do with him?"

   "Oh, shut him off. Block him off my system. He know i'm dying and won't tell me, I enjoyed my life thinking I'd have all the time in the world." You said angrily, pretending to be mad is a great way to avoid tears.

   "What about Peter Parker? He's calling you."


   See, this is the hard one. There's no reason to be mad at him and swear to god you're dying to see him, even if you're already dying anyway.

   "Block him too."

   "Are you sure?"

   "I'm sure."

   Maybe this is for the best, he'd lost his mind to lose you, keeping a distance at this time might make him stop loving you, and that will be a lot easier for him once you're gone.

   "I'll be sad without you, (Y/n)." Ai talked.

   "Bruh, can you even cry a real tears?" You chuckled sadly. "Don't delete your system when I die though."

   "Why not? Actually all my propose was to serve you."

   "I'm not letting you die with me."

   "But i'm just technology."

   "I know, it's just... Why do you care? This is my order!"

   You stopped, figured out something.

   "That's right... who cares." You whispered. "Nothing to care no more, because i'll be dead anyway, i have to live my life like a fucking legend."

Peter Parker x reader : Stark'sWhere stories live. Discover now