#7 Stark's problem

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   Peter came up with an idea that made you confused,you felt so familiar with the plot yet you didn't mind about it. Tina and the others seemed to like it very much and probably that will be the plot for the show.

   Rose admitted she didn't need to bother you for another night, it was a shame since you want to be there.

   At the end of the day, the same old Happy hogan came to pick you up. You both headed right to your actual house.

   You went right to the living room with a huge television, you saw Thor and Captain there, watching movie.

   "Yo, big bros." You said in a teasing voice, then jumped across the sofa to sit between them.

   "Welcome back." Captain said with his soft, heart taker smile, but you won't fall for that and you even stole the popcorn from his hands.

   "What are you guys watching?" You poured popcorn in your mouth.

   "Movie about human tried to find the new earth in such a suck spaceship, they just landed in the planet with only waters, it killed one of them." Thor tell you as he hold out one hands for popcorn, you poured him some.

   "(Y/n) don't eat like that. And please don't sit with your legs open like this, you are a lady." Captain complained.

   "But i'm wearing jeans..." You said.

   After watched the movie for a while, you started talking. "Talking about movie, i just got forced to play the roll in the charity stage show."

   "You joined the drama club?" Thor asked in confused.

   "Of course not. They want me for some reason?"

   "Well you got the looks." Steve said. "And what character are you?"

   "A...princess." You laughed, then they laughed too.

   Of course you hate it that you have to play the roll but what can you do? You said to yourself, Fine, just get it done. And just be chilled.

   The movie ended so Steve changed the channel to news.

   "Alright, i have homeworks." You got up and were about to leave, when you heard the news saying,

   "Iron man's daughter is top of the town, since they're an unidentified person claimed they knew who exactly she is."

   Thor and Captain stood up.

   "The stark, is today's trending in every news and websites, people are now starting to find out if the rumors is possible or even who ever it is." The reporter continued.

   You look at it in disbelief. "I..I don't understand. I never told anybody, i never did anything that they could know."

   "Maybe it just a random rumors." Captain said so optimism, yet his face looked so worried.

   "Friday." you called out your dad's AI.

   "Anything i can help sir?" She replied instantly.

   "Where's my dad? I need to talk to him."


   Tony stark spent too much time in his lab with Bruce banner, he even told Friday to not disturb him because they needed to focus.

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