Chapter 2: This Strange Feeling

Start from the beginning

"I play ukulele too! Do you sing?" She seems happy to know that we have something in common. It makes me happy too. I nod. "Me too!" She says with that beautiful smile of hers. Oh god what am I doing?

"You have an amazing voice." I blurt out without giving myself time to think about what I'm saying. "And a good taste in music too." I remember the song that was playing when I walked in here. I look back up at Ms Clarke and notice her slightly embarrassed smile. Aw, it's kinda cute!

Okay what is going on?

"Thank you Miss Ingram." Hearing her say my name sends butterflies wild in my stomach. I look away from her, trying to understand my feelings.

"Hey would you mind if I came here to get caught up this week? I don't have a class during this period and obviously you don't either." What the hell did I just say? Ms Clarke's eyes flicker but her smile remains.

"Sure. Sounds good. Bring you ukulele too and we can jam." Her language is so youthful. It makes me wonder how old she is.

"Hey how old are you Ms Clarke?" I don't know where I gained this confidence from but I like it. I'm not acting like a nervous idiot anymore. She doesn't seem fazed by my question which is odd. It's almost like she wanted me to ask it.

"I'm 25." She chuckles as my eyes widen. No way, she looks way younger. She's eight years older than me. It's so weird because it feels like she's my age. She acts like she's still a teenager.

"Cool." I don't know how to respond. The nervous feeling has returned. What is going on with me? Why do I feel this way around her? I've never felt this before. This giddy, can't-stop-smiling feeling. Not even with my past boyfriends...

The bell ringing pulls me from my thoughts. Ms Clarke stands and so do I. I grab my bag and put it on my shoulder. I smile at her and she walks with me to the door to her classroom.

"See you in chemistry." She waves goodbye as I walk down the hallway. I have to really focus on not smiling so I bite my lip instead.

"Hey Xena, Avalon." Ms Clarke greets us as we walk into chemistry together. I smile at Avalon.

Turns out she has this class too so now we have two classes together. Thank god! I don't think I'd be able to survive without a friend in here. I sit down in a desk in front of Avalon and ask Ms Clarke to make sure it isn't already claimed by another student. She nods, allowing me to sit here. Avalon taps on my back with her pencil to get me to notice someone walking in. It's a boy, of course. What else could I expect of Avalon.

"Look how cute!" She squeals behind me. I watch him sit down in a desk kinda far away from us.

"Uh huh." Bored, I look over to see what Ms Clarke is doing. She's organising a few papers at one of the side counters. I look over her body, admiring it. She has wonderful curves, especially her hips. They're desirable.

"Xena look at him!" She pushes my shoulder which I flinch at because of my deep thought. "He's so perfect." I hear a cartoon swoon in my head when she says this. This is gonna be a long class...

The bell rings and allows Ms Clarke to start teaching. I watch her stand confidently in front of the class and greet us. She has a lovely smile. Her voice places me in deep thought for a moment, watching her lips move gracefully as she speaks. The way her hands gesture when she's talking. Her handwriting on the whiteboard. Everything about her is mesmerising.

"Look, look, look." Avalon kicks my desk and points to something the guy is doing. He's shooting paper balls into the bin. Missing every single one, I can see his growing frustration. Avalon laughs at his failure which makes me laugh too. Maybe this class won't be so bad after all...

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