"Oh, my." I breathed. The morning sun behind the hills of pink blossoms. The city was surrounded by hawthorns, woven together like a wicker fence. Thorns grew between the trees, as long as knives. Dwellonmar was a fortress city, a protected grove of flowers and springtime. Where Thanantholl was protected by cliff walls, Dwellonmar was concealed by growing arms of the Wyldes itself.

"It does make an impression." Schula said flatly. "The inside is much better, or at least much prettier."

We grew closer in silence. As the hill sloped down, I could see great spikes of wood that shot from the ground the size of my arm. They encircled the already thick and pointy walls. Schula saw me looking at them.

"Thanantholl has rocks that do much the same, but you can't see them from the main road unless you're looking for them. The forest is too thick."

"I learned about many of the wars that happened in the Wyldes from the library. I guess I just didn't expect to still see the remnants of those wars." I said.

"None of the courts completely trust the others. We may be at peace now, but the fae have spent as much time at war as they have out of it. Eb and I don't expect the warmest welcome, but you'll see another face entirely." She told me.

"That's so dirty!" I was shocked. "I mean, how important is it to gain one more fae? A half fae at that! And I'll get special treatment to turn me to their favor?"

"That's the way of it I'm afraid." Schula shrugged. "And you aren't just one more fae, you are the only known survivor of the plague. Actually, you might be tested on power now that I think on it."

"But I don't use my magic, no one even knows I have any." My back itched. "Well, except you three."

"That will be questioned though." She scratched her chin and looked at me. "Thain was ordered to train you in magic, but maybe you would be more comfortable with me starting you off? We can add it to our morning routine."

"Yes, I can't avoid it anymore." I said. "I, I'd rather you do it than Thain."

"Alright, tonight I'll show you enough to control yourself. No more of this magic trying to leap out of you at the first sign of excitement or fear. That's how the other courts will test you. Scare it right out of you. But they don't know about your seal, and they don't know you'll be training just for this reason either."

"Let's do it then. If I'm to pick a court, I'm doing it on my terms." I smiled, but it was shaky.

"That's right you are. Now, look sharp. The gates are ahead, and we're going to be searched before we enter. Common practice, nothing to worry about. But since we aren't Spring court, we'll be handled differently than when we come and go from Thanantholl."

"How do they know who is Spring and who isn't?" I asked.

"They just know. Once you're part of a court, you instantly know who is on your side." Schula sat back and straightened her leggings. "Part of the magic of the Wyldes."
"Oh." I watched out the window as we slowed, joining the line waiting for entry to Dwellonmar.

"You know, if we unsealed you I'd bet you could sense a lot more of these things too." I gave her a look and she shrugged. "Not that you have to, I'm just giving you information."

"Yeah, I know." I sighed. "I just wish you weren't right."

"Next!" A guard called from up ahead.

"Ugh, here we go." Schula sighed, and the carriage pulled forward for inspection.


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