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We become alert when we hear the sound of others. Jaivan mindlinks me to shift. We have to stop the others before they attack. We run behind a bush to shift and change. Jaivan calls out to Beau as I call out to Adam. We hear their calls back and their orders for the others to step down from the attacks. The vehicles come to a halt when the packs come into view of each other. Beau runs towards one of the cars and opens the door. Little Rosie jumps at him and hugs her father. Tears run down her delicate cheeks. Her tender voice cracks when she cries out for her daddy over and over. I wipe my own tears at their happy reunion.

"Are you insane? You went to save the pack alone?" Adam yells at me.

"I, well, I wasn't really thinking straight at the moment." I shift my feet.

Adam growls in annoyance and Jaivan growls back at him for growling at his mate. I pull Jaivan back to let him know it's okay. It's actually heartwarming. I know it is because Adam cares about me. Adam's eyes widen at hearing Jaivan's growl.

"You have your wolf." Adam studies Jaivan first then looks at me with wide eyes. "You two mated?"

Everybody seems to stop what they are doing to look at us. I get a few angered glares from the females for claiming the hot Alpha male. My uncle is standing next to my father and he looks as stunned as the others that had not been locked in the cells with Jaivan's wolf. Jaivan smiles down at me and tells them we are true mates. He then says he'll explain everything when we return.

Others that had stayed on pack territory come out to greet the rest of us when we return. Jaivan stops to talk to several of his men. I hear him asking for more rooms to be set up. He also wants to make the rogue members official members of his pack. They cheer in response and discuss preparing for the event with a large cookout. I walk away as he talks to the pack. His pack. I know there's another conversation I have to have at the moment.

Logan looks up only for a second before looking back down. His hair is a mess as if he had just woke up. I take small steps towards him until I'm a few feet away. The first words out of my mouth are an apology. I didn't want to hurt him.

"It's okay. I blame myself. If it helps, I really do see you as a sister now. The bond we had is gone."

"I hope you weren't in a lot of pain." I frown.

"It was quick. I only felt your kisses and passed out when you, uh, began mating." He shifts. "You must be happy to have Aidan back. I guess I should congratulate him."

"He's not here." I turn and see that Jaivan is walking my way with several of the others. He's not pissed that I'm talking to my ex-mate, but he is concerned. "I didn't mate with Aidan. I mated Jaivan."

"What?" Now Logan is as stunned as the rest. "Wait, let me get this straight. You rejected me to mate with a man that wasn't your mate? Is it because he's like a God?"

I huff and cross my arms. I know a part of him is hurt by it, but he's saying it teasingly. He's repeating what other she-wolves have said about Jaivan and doing a female impression. "You rejected me first and tell me which female said that about my mate so I can make sure she keeps her eyes to herself."

"Spoken like a true jealous mate. To answer, they all said it." Logan chuckles. "I didn't miss the way you and Jay were looking at each other. It doesn't surprise me too much. I'm more surprised you went behind Aidan's back, but I guess I was able to see things weren't going well between you guys either."

"I'm sorta surprised by it too. One minute you are introducing me to one mate and the next time I see you there's another man I'm being introduced to as your mate. What the hell happened these past few weeks?" Lucas asks from behind me.

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