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I wake to the sound of whispering. My eyes are still heavy from lack of sleep. I had to calm Aidan down over and over. He would growl every time he thought of Logan being in his bed with us. I think he was asleep some of the times he would let out a possessive growl. I had cuddled against him with my head on his chest and that is still how I lay now. His arm is wrapped protectively around me, but I feel another arm around me as well.

Logan was still in his wolf form when they had brought him in. He must have shifted sometime since the last time I was awake. That is definitely not fur I feel. He now has his arm wrapped around my waist just above Aidan's arm. His body is not flush against mine, but I know that I would have felt a very nude body part against me.

I reach down with want of having Logan's arm off of me, but I freeze when I hear a vicious growl. Logan's arm is shoved away from me and I'm given orders not to touch him. I place my hand on Aidan's cheek trying to calm his wolf.

"She's my mate, pup. You may have marked her, but she's mine." Logan now growls behind me.

"I am not yours and never will be yours. You rejected me!" I sit up with a growl, but blush when I accidentally move the blanket off of him to reveal his nakedness. My traitorous wolf purrs inside my head at the thought of both of her mates in bed with us. I have to growl at her to stop thinking naughty.

"Mine." Aidan grabs me and shoves my face into his bare chest. He's not naked, but he's wearing only a pair of red boxers and my blush reddens to a color that would match at the sight of them.

Logan tries to sit up, but groans with pain. Somebody, tells him not to move. He'll only make it worse. I forgot that I had heard whispering when I awoke. I turn and see Cedric with Locus. Cedric tosses some clothes to Logan and it's Aidan that orders him to put them on. I turn to look at Logan when he says he's done. He has a huge smirk taunting Aidan. I roll my eyes and tell them I need some air. My burning cheeks from gazing at my hard-bodied mates need to be cooled down. My body needs to be cooled down, but my wolf needs it the most.

I climb down the steps after I'm showered and dressed in the clothes Locus left for me. I look at all of the artwork and pictures as I exit the house. I can hear my two mates arguing and Cedric trying to calm them down. I know Locus is still up there watching. She's naturally a...curious person. Two mates fighting over her cousin will have caught her interest for sure.

I chuckle and pause briefly as I look at a set of pictures on the wall. There are empty spaces as if pictures have been removed. I become curious and study the other pictures. I don't see any pictures of Alyssa. I also don't see any of Aidan and his first mate. Strangely, I also don't see any of him with his brother or any family pictures.

Footsteps of somebody walking my way urges me to walk again. A young couple bows to me respectfully before moving on. I sit on the bench I sat on when I was eavesdropping the morning before. I can feel the anger from Aidan as he yells at my ex-mate and become angry myself when I think of what I have gone through the last couple of months. It's a good thing I can't feel Logan's anger as well. It would drive me mad. His feelings have to go deep for me to feel them, like a serious injury or sexual satisfaction.

The anger falls when I hear the sound of a kitten. I rub my temples with worry I am still hallucinating, but then I hear soft meows coming from a bush at the end of the pack house.

"Here kitty, kitty." I take soft steps not wanting to scare the kitten away. It would break my heart to have it run and become an appetizer to one of the wolves nearby.

"She's doing it again. Should we tell our Alpha?" I hear a man say and recognize one of the two men that had kept guard when I was in the cellars.

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