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The next time I wake I feel much better. I check my wounds to see that they are healed. The soreness is also gone. I sit up and glance to the other beds to see that they are empty. I'm all alone. I move off my bed and notice some clothes on the dresser next to me. I grab them and go to the restroom to shower and change. The salmon colored velour tracksuit they gave me to wear has seen its better days. I'm not sure how good those days were. The stomach puffs out unattractively. I roll the hem of the waist to tighten it a bit. I'd rather wear the hospital gown, but it doesn't keep me very warm.

I leave the restroom and go towards the door to leave the room. I jump back when an extremely large man with a full beard and aggressive features steps in front of me. I have to look up in order to look at his eyes. He doesn't say anything so I clear my throat to talk to him instead.

"Um, I was looking for my cousin?" I say questioningly.

"She's in the kitchen." He states flatly.

"O-kay. Thank you?" I attempt to go around him, but he blocks my way.

"You are not to leave this room." His eyes narrow slightly and his bushy eyebrows come together.

I gulp. "But..."

"You are not to leave this room." He states again.

I narrow my eyes and step back to slam the door. I have to pace back and forth to calm my wolf. She wants to teach him a lesson about respect. We have alpha blood in us and hate being disrespected. He shouldn't treat his guests this way. I'm more than a guest. I'm his future Luna...maybe.

Sadness suddenly overcomes me. My mate didn't reject me, but he hasn't accepted me either. Other than a jealous growl he never said anything to me. How can I blame him, though. He had a mate that he loved. Accepting me would be like a betrayal to her.

I frown and crawl back under the covers on the bed. I lay there for several hours and watch the room darken through the windows. I've already tried to escape, but this must not be the first time they have imprisoned somebody. The windows are tamper proof, shatter proof, fire proof, and escape proof. Grizzly Adam has come in several times to order me to give it up. I imagine different ways of taking him down, but stick my tongue out at him and sit on my bed to pout. My new mate will not be as accepting of me if I hurt a member of his pack.

"Hey, you." Locus peeks into the room. "How are you feeling?"

"Bored to death." I thought I would be mad at her, but I'm happy to see her. "Where have you been?"

"Sorry, the girls were showing me around and introducing me to everybody. I like it here. The property is humongous. " She places a tray of food on the dresser next to me.

"I would have liked to look around." I pout.

"I'll show you around later. You should heal." She answers.

"I'm fine. I'm one hundred percent fine." I throw my arms up.

"Then why are you still in here? You should have asked the guy out there to locate me." She sits at the edge of the bed.

"Grizzly Adam won't let me leave this room." I raise my voice for the man to hear and shoot daggers with my eyes at the door.

Locus chuckles. "He scares me."

She sits with me and tells me everything she has learned about the pack. There are about four hundred members of the pack. There are only forty that live in the pack house, but the rest have houses throughout the town. They all look up to Alpha Aidan as a savior. Most of them were rogues because of fallen packs and he had taken them in before they lost themselves to their wolves. Others were rescued like we were.

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