Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I was awoken the next morning by the phone.

"Shannon! It's for you! There's a phone on the dresser in your room!" Daddy yelled from downstairs.

"K!" I yelled back.

I rolled out of bed and shuffled my feet across the room.

"Hello?" I said, picking up the phone.

"Hey sweetheart! How are you this morning?" The voice across the line asked. I realized it was Dad.

"Good. You woke me up."

"Sorry bout that. I was going to come get you in an hour to take you shopping. I talked to David and since I'm taking you today, you're just going to stay at his place an extra day. Is that OK with you?"

"Yeah. I'll just take a shower and get dressed and be ready when you get here."

"Alright! See you soon sweetheart!"

"Bye Dad!"

I hung up and trudged down the stairs.

Daddy was sitting at the kitchen table having a cup of coffee. I kissed him on the cheek when I walked in.

"Good morning!" I said.

"Morning baby girl! Sleep OK last night?" He asked.

"Yeah. I slept fine." I answered.

I made myself a bowl of cereal and ate it quick. I took a quick shower and got dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans, a role model t-shirt, a pair of high tops and a leather jacket.

I quickly realized that when my hair is short, it's curly, so I had to blow dry and straighten my hair. It took me a good 30 minutes to fix my hair. I ran downstairs and got Daddy to put eyeliner on me. I confessed that I can't actually do it myself. He laughed a little and told me that he'd be more than happy to do it for me all the time.

Dad walked in exactly an hour from when he called.

"Ready to go kiddo?" He asked.

"Yeah! Just gimme a minute," I said.

I ran into the kitchen and gave Daddy a kiss on the cheek and said bye. I walked out with Dad. We got into his car and he took me to a different mall than Daddy had taken me to.

He bought me a full bedroom set, a LCD flat screen TV for my room, a bunch of clothes and whatever else I wanted.

We had lunch at Subway. It was delicious.

I spent a lot of the day bugging him about the lip ring. I think he was finally starting to bend.

He brought me back to Daddy's at just after 4 pm. I kissed him on the cheek.

"Bye Dad!"

"Bye sweetheart! I'll see you in a few days. I'll have your room ready by then!"

"OK! Love you!"

"Love you too!"

I ran into the house.

"Daddy! I'm home!" I yelled.

"I'm in the kitchen baby girl!" He yelled back.

I ran into the kitchen and jumped on his back. He was making supper.

"Whatcha making?" I asked sweetly.

"Shepard's pie," he answered.

"Really?! I love shepard's pie!"

"Really?! I love it too! I didn't know if you'd like it."

I smiled. "I love it! It's probably my favourite meal."

He laughed. I helped him finish making it. We ate it happily.

"For a guy, you're a good cook," I teased.

He laughed. "I'm not very good. Jeff is the best cook in the band. He makes amazing pizza and pasta."

I made a face. "Love pizza, hate pasta."

"Really? Why?"

"I don't know. I've just never been a pasta fan. I don't mind it with shredded cheese but yeah. I don't like tomatoes except for on pizza and nachos and stuff like that."

He nodded. "I'll have to remember that."

We finished eating and did the dishes and cleaned up.

"So did you have fun with Chuck today?" He asked.

"Yeah. It was really fun. He said he's gonna fix my room and have it ready for when I get there," I told him.

"Speaking of having your room ready, your bedroom set came in and I set everything up how I thought you would want it," he said. "Wanna go see it?"

I nodded and jumped up. He gave me a piggyback ride up the stairs. He set me down in front of my door.

I opened the door and was shocked. He had put everything exactly where I had wanted it to go. The room looked amazing. He had even put a bunch of my posters up on the wall. I noticed something that wasn't supposed to be there.

In the far corner of my room, was a full drum set, a bass, an acoustic and electric guitar, a Marshall full stack (amp), a keyboard, a microphone and a mixing board.

I turned towards him wide eyed. "Is that all mine?" I asked, motioning to all the music equipment.

He smiled and nodded. "Yup. I went and bought it all today. Well except for the bass. That's one of mine. Do you like it?"

I ran and hugged him. "I love it!" I squealed.

I ran to the drum set first. I picked up the drumsticks and started playing. Daddy smiled.

We spent the rest of the night just goofing around with all the music equipment. It was so much fun. Daddy taught me a few tricks on the bass and drums. He also taught me how to work the mixing board.

Daddy tucked me in later that night, like a six year old, and kissed my forehead when I went to bed.

"You don't mind me tucking you in and all that do you? I feel like I'm treating you like a little kid when I shouldn't," he said.

"No don't stop! I love it! My parents never did it when I was kid, so it's nice to finally have someone who cares about me enough to do it," I told him.

"I love you baby girl," he whispered, kissing my forehead again.

"I love you too Daddy," I whispered back.

I rolled over and closed my eyes. I was hoping for a dreamless sleep, but of course, I can't be that lucky.


Kinda cliffhanger lolz!

I'll post the next chapter in a few minutes cause I meant to post this chapter last night but i guess i got distracted.

Let me know what you think guys!!!!!

Kk love you bye!!!


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