Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I woke up the next morning still snuggled up against Seb. I rolled over so I was on my back. Seb was still sleeping, so I layed there until he woke up.

"Good morning sleepyhead!" I whispered.

"Good morning beautiful." He said, kissing my forehead. "Did you sleep OK the third time?"

I smiled. "Yeah. Thanks Seb. I'm sorry I'm a pain in the ass."

"You're not a pain in the ass. You're perfect." He whispered.

I blushed and put my head on his chest. "I think we should get up cause the floor is hurting my ass."

He laughed. "I agree."

We got up and walked to the front lounge. Everyone was already up.

"Good morning sweetheart! How are you feeling this morning?" Pierre asked sweetly.

I smiled. "I'm OK. Still a little shaken, bit I'll be fine. The dreams just terrified me more than usual."

I sat down on one side of the table. Pierre got up and got me a bowl of Rice Krispies. I happily munched on my cereal. The guys kept asking me questions about the night before. I answered them the best I could.

We had a concert that night. We were all a bit out of it all day because of everything that happened the day before.

The concert time came quickly. We weren't really into it. We got on stage and tried to really get into it, but you could tell, we were all having a hard time.

At one point, when I knew I didn't have to sing, I just layed down on the stage and played laying down. Pierre walked over and smiled at me.

When the song ended, David looked over and noticed me laying in the stage and started laughing.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

Pierre helped me up. I walked to the mic. "I was baking cookies. What does it look like?"

"Don't be a smartass." David teased.

I stuck my tongue out at him.

Our moods were lifted a little by that, but not nearly enough. After a few more songs I had an idea.

"Alright! I have an idea. We need a fast, party song that we never play to make everyone happy and excited!" I said.

"What do you suggest kid?" Pierre asked.

"Hmmm..... Can you guys play 'Dance, Dance' by Fall Out Boy?" I asked.

They all thought about it and nodded.

"Then let's play it. It'll be different!" I said excitedly.

We started the song and had a lot of fun. It was different and eally lifted the mood. I got really hyper and giggly.

When we played 'Jump,' I tried to do Seb's high pitch scream for the third Jump (only Simple Plan fans will understand that last sentence), which made the guys laugh.

The rest of the show was amazing. We were all hyper and excited and ready to have fun.

We got off stage and all started laughing put of pure giggliness. We couldn't help it. The guys went and signed autographs, while I went and chilled for a few minutes on the bus.

I threw 'Uno,' the first in the new Green Day trilogy into the stereo on the bus and started rocking out.

David came in and laughed. He started singing and dancing stupidly with me. The rest of the boys came in not long after and soon, we were all singing and dancing. We were having a dance party in the bus.

We started driving to the next show. We stopped at a Wendy's to get something to eat at 4 am. I got a chicken burger, fries, root bear and a frosty. It tasted so amazing.

We were going to go to bed at about 7 am, when we realized that if we went to sleep, then we'd never be able to sleep the next night, so we pulled an all nighter.

The next day, we all drank a crap load of energy drinks and coffee. We were all a tired giggly that day.

By 7 pm that night, we had all crashed out in the front lounge. I fell asleep on Seb (shocker right) and we were both on the floor. Pierre fell asleep on the couch, half falling off. David and Chuck both fell asleep at the table. They crashed face first on the table. Jeff fell asleep sitting on the floor propped up by the counter.

We were a sight to see.

We all slept until 2 in the afternoon the next day.

I opened my eyes and yawned. I sat up and looked around. I laughed when I saw everyone.

I got up and got myself a bowl of cereal. I went and sat in the back lounge so I wouldn't wake anyone up.

A few minutes later, Pierre walked in rubbing him eyes and yawning.

"Hey kid." He said.

"Hey Pierre. Sleep good?" I asked.

He smiled and chuckled. "Considering the position I was laying, I'm amazed I slept at all but I slept amazing. How bout you? Any nightmares?"

"No. I think Seb chases away the nightmares. When he's near, I don't have nightmares." I told him.

"Yeah. David and I noticed that." He said.

I blushed and looked away.

"No need to blush kiddo. Seb does have to power to make things better. He may be the youngest in the band, but he always knows what to say and when." He said.

He sat down beside me. I put my head on his chest. "Yeah."

We just sat there for a while in silence. It wasn't an awkward silence, but a comfortable one. I had a feeling that Pierre was going to be the one that I told everything to. I trusted him and felt comfortable just talking to him. I didn't want to tell him about my crush on Seb though.

The concert that night was really fun. The guys decided to add 'Dance, Dance' to the set list. I really love the song, so it was awesome to perform.

The rest of that leg of the tour was fun. I loved performing with the guys. I was nervous for the confrontation with my mom that was coming. I didn't know what she would do. I kind of hoped that she wouldn't willingly sign the paper because that would mean that she still wanted me.


Hey guys!!!

If you could let me know if there are any like major mistakes like worng names or anything cause I am changing it a little from the original story. In case you were wondering, the original story 'Tonight Tonight' by Hot Chelle Rae as the song instead of 'Dance, Dance.'

So yeah!! Hope you like it!!!

Love you guys xoxo


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