Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I woke up the next morning and rolled over. I rolled out of bed and went into the lounge I guess. I looked at the time 11 am. I was shocked I slept in so late. Usually I was up by 7 because I was scared to close my eyes again.

I pulled my laptop and phone out of my backpack. I had 9 messages, all  from Beth.


'Where are you? I'm at our corner.'

'Too slow, left without you'

'Where are you? Class starts in 5'

'Your late'

'Where the fuck are you Shannon!'

'Bitch if you don't answer me imma kill you'

'Shannon where are you? Ur scaring me'

'Please answer'

I texted her back 'not gonna b at skool for a while. Nothing bad happened I promise. I'll email u a better explanation later'

I found out that the bus had WiFi (yay!). I logged onto to Instagram and Twitter and checked what was going on. Nothing much.

I logged onto the YouTube to see if anyone uploaded anything. As usual, there were dozens and dozens since the last time I had been on a few days ago.

I grabbed my headphone out of my bag and plugged them into my laptop.

Halfway through the Shane Dawson video, I was hit with something. I looked up and saw Pierre. I paused the video and smiled at him.

"Good morning," I whispered.

"Morning sweety! Did you sleep good?" He whispered.

I smiled and nodded. "For the first time in years, yes."

He came and sat beside me. "Whatcha watching?"

"At the moment, Shane Dawson. I have a lot of videos I have to watch. Well I don't have to but I'm going to anyways." I told him.

"Well can I watch them too?" He asked.

I shrugged. "Ya these are the only headphones I have though."

He got up and got something off the counter. It was a thing that let you plug in 2 sets of headphones at the same time. He plugged into my laptop and grabbed his headphones and plugged both sets in.

I restarted the video I was watching. Pierre looked at me funny when the video started.

We watched all the videos, having a hard time making sure we didn't laugh out loud. We didn't want to wake anybody up.

Pierre really liked a lot of the videos so we ended up watching a bunch of older videos for a few hours. The laptop was on the little table so me and Pierre were squished into one booth. We could have sat one on each side, but I guess neither of us thought about it. Pierre sat against the wall and I sat half on him, half between his legs. I rested my head on his chest.

I looked up at one point and saw David looking at us.  I waved at him. I took my headphones off and paused the video.

"What are you looking at David?" I teased.

"Just you two. You look so comfortable," he laughed.

"Well I am really comfortable. What about you Pierre?" I asked.

"Surprisingly I am comfortable." Pierre answered.

"What are you two watching?" David asked.

"Shannon is showing me all these YouTubers that she watches. They are so hilarious!" Pierre told David.

"I want to watch the videos too!" David whined.

"We don't have enough headphones," I told him.

"We can go in back, hook the laptop up to the TV and use the headphones back there," David suggested.

I shrugged. I grabbed my laptop and phone and we went to the back of the bus. We hooked everything up and started watching more videos. David loved them.

Seb came into the back room and looked at us funny. We were sitting on the floor and I was half laying on David and Pierre. I motioned for Seb to sit somewhere and gave him the last pair of headphones. He sat down and laughed.

Chuck and Jeff came in a little while later. They looked at us funny. We had switched positions I was laying on the couch on my stomach, running my fingers through Pierre and Seb's hair. David was sitting upside down on the floor with his feet on top of my legs. Seb and Pierre were sitting back to back. We didn't even realize they had walked in until they stepped in front of the TV.

"Having fun guys?" Chuck asked.

We all smiled and nodded. Seb, David and Pierre explained what we were doing.

We unplugged all the headphones so that we could all watch the videos together. I think I got them all hooked on all my favourite YouTubers. None of did anything that day. We brought a bunch of food into the back and sat there and watched videos. Every once and a while, we changed the way we were sitting.

We reached the next town shortly after dinner that night. We all decided to give my laptop a break and go out for dinner.

We went to a little restaurant a few blocks from the venue. I tried paying for myself when we left, but the guys wouldn't let me.

We decided to go for a walk in the park near the arena. It was a beautiful night. Like 5 year olds, we saw the play set and went and played on it. It was awesome.

We went and hung out on the bus after. The guys looked through my CDs and picked a few to play. They were impressed by the amount and variety of my music. We goofed around and listen to music all night.

I sat with Seb and fell asleep in his arms again. I liked doing that, not that I was doing it on purpose. Pierre carried me to bed again. I fell asleep and didn't dream again that night. I was really liking the no dreams.


Yo guys!

Hope you like chapter 3! The next chapter will be up either later tonight or tomorrow after I get back from school or something. This is as far as this story got on Instagram, so if you are here from Instagram, you should let me know! Stuff starts getting interesting around chapter 5, i think, so stay tuned!

Love you guys xoxo


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