Chapter 13

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The ATL guys smiled and laughed.

"I knew you looked familiar! Aren't you the kid David and Chuck adopted a few months back?" Alex asked.

I nodded. "That's me."

You turned your head slightly to the side and saw David marching towards you.

"Speaking of David," you said as he walked up.

"Are you trying to get yourself killed?!" David demanded. "You are so banned from the dirtbikes!"

I rolled my eyes. "Really Daddy? Come on! I guarantee I am better at riding one of these than you and Pierre combined! I've been dirtbiking since I was 4!"

"Don't care. Off." He said, crossing him arms.

I shook my head but got off the bike like I was told. David grabbed the bike and my helmet. He tried to start the bike but failed, then proceeded to flood the motor.

"Gimme that bike you moron," I sighed, taking the bike and starting it first shot.
David glarred at me before he drove away, leaving me alone with All Time Low.

"Someone's got a stick up their ass," Jack teased.

I laughed. "Yeah. I always expected Chuck to be the uptight, strict dad, but he's the chill one. David gets mad at me for swearing while Chuck just laughs cause I swear like a trucker."

The guys laughed. "Well, since your mode of transportation has been taken, how about we walk you back to the SP bus?" Alex asked.

"Sounds great."

What I expected to be a nice, chill walk ended up being hilarious and intense. It started out as just casual walking, but accidentally turned in to a race when Zach kept trying to walk faster than me. So everyone started sprinting trying to outrun each other. I ended up winning only because the rest of the band ganged up on Zach and jumped on his back so that I could win.

By the time we got back to the bus, we were all panting and out of breath. "I win!" I teased, adding an evil laugh for added effect.

"That was rigged! I demande a redo!" Zach declared.

"You're on, but not right now because I might cough up my lungs!" I joked.

Pierre tossed a waterbottle my way with a chuckle. "Don't cough up your lungs. That would be disgusting."

I opened the bottle and chugged the whole thing, quenching my thirst. Pierre tossed all the ATL guys a bottle as well and they did the same as I did.

Jeff had been in the process of making hamburgers for everyone on the barbeque that we had brought, so the ATL guys ended up staying over for dinner.

We hung out and goofed around all night long. Before long, the guitars came out and the jam session started. I was literally mesmerized watching everyone play and sing. I mean, who wouldn't be, right?

At some point, Seb sat beside me and put his guitar in my arms. He gave me the sweetest smile and my heart skipped a beat. I quickly jumped in and started playing along with what Alex and Zach had been playing. Zach looked over and gave me a goofy smile.

Before I knew it, Seb put me in the spotlight and made me sing. Everyone stopped and looked at me curiously, wondering if I could actually sing. I was super nervous, but I thought 'what the hell?' I had nothing to lose, y'know?
Without thinking, I dove into 'Young Volcanoes' by Fall Out Boy. It was my general go to when I was playing guitar. I kind of forgot that there were people watching and just dove into the music.
When I finished, I got a round of applause. I smiled shyly.

Seb leaned over close and whispered in my ear, "you're really cute when you blush. Actually, your really cute in general."

Needless to say, my blush deepened. I had a huge crush on Seb. Was this him telling me that he liked me too?

Holy crap guys
I updated!
What is this insanity? !
I am currently avoiding doing work so I figured, why not write a quick chapter, yknow.
I wrote this on my phone, so there may be some spelling/grammar mistakes and also there may be some mess ups where I wrote you/your instead of me and also where I wrote in present tense instead of past cause I am used to present.
Let me know what you guys think and thanks for sticking around and reading and stuff. You guys are amazing!
Love you guys!!

Oh p.s. im going to change Shannon's birthday to the middle of summer so that her birthday can be during Warped. Just giving you guys a heads up!

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