Chapter 11: A quiet day

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~~Here's the latest chapter. I'm sorry it's delayed. Have fun!~~

It's a quiet day and everybody is at their places they needed to be. Except for Ruby.

She is snoring peacefully at the rooftop of her school. Then someone opened the door.

"Ruby RoseSchnee!" Weiss yelled.

Ruby tried to open her eyes. When she successfully did it, she saw her lover looking at her.

"Hey Weiss." Ruby said. "What time is it?"

"Don't 'Hey Weiss' me!" Weiss said. "You said you'll find April last night. But then you didn't come home, only April."

Ruby remembered what happened last night.

"Oh yeah... Whitley and Yang surprised us last night." Ruby said. "So it's not a dream, Yang really did kiss me."

"Yeah... Wait what?!" Weiss said.

"Wait, you said I didn't come home?" Ruby said. "But April and I went home last night."

"Then explain why you're at the rooftop of Beacon Academy." Weiss said. "And you're on your Red Reaper costume."

"Wait what?!" Ruby said.

"Don't 'wait what?!' me!" Weiss said. "Do you know how much I'm worried about you. April, Whitley and Yang said you're at home so I looked for you. But you're not there."

"Hhmm." Ruby then remembers something.

What Ruby remembered:

Ruby and Yang kissed. April and Whitley went to their rooms. Yang then pulled back and stood up.

"I'll be going too sis." Yang said. "That's enough teasing."

"Good. Now I can rest!" Ruby said. "I'm gonna sleep on the sofa at the living room. I'm too tired to climb upstairs."

"Suit yourself." Yang said.

Ruby lay down on the sofa. As soon as her eyes were about to shut, she saw a person in a mask with a long brown and pink hair. The girl gestured her hands, doing some hand sign language.


The person hit Ruby with an umbrella.

Present time:

An umbrella?! "Hey snowflake. Do you know where's Blake?" Ruby said.

"At her office. Vale HQ." Weiss said. "Don't go in there. You know how Neptune reacts."

"I'll take my chances." Ruby said. "But first, I need to get out of this costume."

"Oh no you don't!"

TIMESKIP (at Vale HQ):

Ruby walked around to find Blake's office. When she found it, she knocked first then entered.

"Hey Mrs. Belladonna Xiao Long! You there?" Ruby said.

"I'm here Ruby." Blake said. She is lying on her table wasted. "What do you want?"

"Yeeesh... What happened?" Ruby said. "Anyway, get ready before my time runs out."

"Alright fine." Blake said. She stood up and fixed her papers on the table. "Also, don't call me with that last name. It's not that I don't like it. It's just super freaking long."

"Okay I get it." Ruby said.

Minutes have passed and they exited the HQ without Neptune seeing Ruby. They went back home.

"Okay, so why are we at home?" Blake said.

"You're at home last night right?" Ruby said.

"Yeah why?" Blake said.

"Did you hear something in the living room last night?" Ruby said.

"You're saying there's a ghost in our house?" Blake hid behind Ruby. "Scary!"

"No we don't have." Ruby said. "But we have someone who tried to kill me by hitting me with an umbrella in the head and stabbing me in the stomach."

"Wait, I think I saw someone last night." Blake said. "Well, kind of. I hear something."

What Blake saw:

Blake suddenly woke up in the middle of night. She got hungry so she went downstairs and into the kitchen with her eyes closed. Her senses are pretty strong even her eyes are closed.

"Just a quick bite. A quick bite." Blake said as she walk to the kitchen. "Quick bite. Bite."

When she finally got to the kitchen, Blake took one cookie from Whitley's cookie jar. After she ate, she eventually went upstairs. When she got on the stairs, Blake heard something.

"Huh? It comes from the living room." Blake said. She opened her eyes. She then ran to the living room. "The couch is wet."

Blake went to the couch for a closer look. She had nightvision eyesight so she don't have to worry about turning on the lights. Blake leaned closer and sniffed it.

"A cleaning agent. I can say it's for wiping the glass." Blake said. "And an alcohol. Well, I guess it's just Yang sleepwalking again."

Blake went upstairs and into her room.

Back to Present:

"You really thought Yang will use a cleaning agent?" Ruby said. "An alcohol sure, but a cleaning agent?"

"Oh come on! Yang's the only one who messes with everything she sees." Blake said.

"Good point." Ruby said. "Well, back to the point. What noise did you hear anyway?"

"I heard a blunt object hit something." Blake said. "What is it?"

"It's Neo." Ruby said.

"Politan?!" Blake said. "But why?! and not to mention, how?"

"I don't know how." Ruby said. "I don't know why either. All I know is that she hit me with her umbrella then stabbed me with a knife on the stomach."

"Good thing you survived." Blake said.
"Anyway, let's find more clues." Ruby said.

Ruby and Blake tried to find many clues for the incident. For the whole day. They passed out on the couch on the living room.

At the rooftop of Beacon (evening):

"Where is she?! I thought you brought her here?"

Neo gestured some sign languages. A girl then fired a gun below her.

"This is not supposed to happen. If you can't do this then I'll do it myself."

"Get ready Ruby Rose. I'm coming for you."

~~Sorry guys if I haven't updated for a while. Busy as always. But sembreak's just around the corner so until then, bye bye. WhiteRose11Z out!~~

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2017 ⏰

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