Chapter 1: Do you really need to remind me?

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~~This is the second story. I hope you guys can forgive me caouse I'll be updating this and my bumblebee story a little late. My Wifi is being a bitch. Anyways, here's the 1st chapter.~~

Ruby's POV:

A truck recklessly driving on the road. Ruby rushed to Yang's motorcycle. She started the engine then chases the truck. Suddenly, her phone rang.

"Ruby!!! I'm at their headquarters. I found Blake."

"Ok Weiss... Get out of there, now!" Ruby replied. "Cinder got the other maidens in the truck. Go to Vale HQ and find Yang."

"Okay... Just promise you'll come back to us."

"I will."

Ruby sped off. She directed the motorcycle to head straight to the truck. Ruby took her backpack and opened it, then jumped from the motor. She used her speed to dress up as Red Reaper while in the air. The motor crashes down through the back wheel of the truck then explodes.

"Oh no! I'll make up to you Yang. I'm sorry, I'll buy you a new one!" Red yelled.

She landed at the back of the truck when suddenly, Tyrian kicks her at the stomach. Ruby flew outside the truck and landed at the middle of the road.

"Hahahahaha... better luck next time Red!" Tyrian shouted.

"Dammit... He got me there." Red said.

She plans to use her speed to catch up. As soon she were to do it, a car headed straight to her. She immediately dodged the car by rolling to the other side. Suddenly, another car was heading to the other side. As Ruby were to stand up, the car was already too close that she have no time dodge it. The car was gonna hit her.

"Aggghhhhhh!!!!" Ruby screamed.

"Ms. Rose!!!" Professor Oobleck said. "I know sleeping is hard when you have 3 children at a young age, and you're the top honor student in thr entire school. But that doesn't mean you won't listen anymore!!"

"Yes Sir!!! I'm sorry Sir!!!" Ruby apologized.

"Good. Now..." Prof. Oobleck continued the lesson.

"So, that's all a dream?" Ruby said to herself.

End of POV

"Maybe a vision." A girl at the back said.

"Huh!!" Ruby turned and saw Weiss. "Hey Weiss."

"Hey.... you better not skipping this last school year of yours." Weiss said. "We have the same age, but I didn't know you skipped the last school year because of the Great War II."

"It's Salem's fault anyways!" Ruby replied.

"Geez... The reason I'm here and not to be with our children is because I'm afraid of what Future Weiss told us. You know, the one that you'll be killed." Weiss said. "Still, I'm surprised that you're the top student here. Either Physical or Mental."

"It just kinda happen." Ruby replied. "Did you contact Blake and Yang yet?"

"I contacted them a while ago. April and Whitley are at school and Josh is sleeping." Weiss replied. "So, Yang finished school after you two separated, and you're having trauma all those years. No wonder why you stopped going to school."

"Don't say it like that." Ruby said.


The bell rang and so did the security alarm from the school.

"What's that about?" Weiss said. "Don't do anything stupid Ru-" Ruby fled off. "Dammit Ms Rose!!!!"

Ruby hid at an alley and dressed up as Red Reper. She used her speed to ran at the area where something is happening.

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