Sticky Situation

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"Azarath Mentrium Zinthu-!"

"Watch out!" Beast Boy yelled as he tackled Raven. The blast went over them as Beast Boy covered Raven best he could when the little rocks from the blast rained on them.

Robin stared at them confused for a moment. Why would Beast Boy try to save Raven when they hate each other?

Their uniforms were torned up from their fight at a scientist's lab and was also stained with unknown substances. Particular holes on Raven's were at her back, shoulder and waist while Beast Boy's were at his hip, thigh, and chest.

"Get off me!" Raven shouts as she pushed Beast Boy off from her. Her hands pushed his face and the other pushed his belly.

"Alright! Alright!" he said as he pushed himself up with one arm and the other held Raven's waist protectively.

Just then, a substance got sprayed on them that washed off immediately. But when they tugged at their hands that had contact with skin, it didn't come off.

They were freaking out that they didn't even notice the fight has ended.

"Thank you for saving me!" The sweet scientist said.

"No problem, just try to keep your experiments private." Robin said.

"Uhmm, Robin..." Starfire said as he tugged at Robin's sleave.

He looked at Star as she pointed at two of their teammates.

"Hey, where's Bb and- Oh my gods!" Cyborg dropped whatever it was he was holding that he wanted to use.

The three stared agape at Raven who held Beast Boy's left cheek with her right hand as she looked at him while Beast Boy held her waist protectively with his left arm and pulled her closer.

The team were so surprised they didn't even notice that the two were actually arguing.

"If you haven't tackled me this wouldn't happen!"

"No! It's because you weren't paying attention and you could've gotten hit!"

The scietinst poked his pencil at their hands and wrote on his slightly burnt clipboard.

"Seems to me you have covered yourself in the substance I created that was in progress which supposedly glued anything together. It is very hard to remove and I advise you not to pull much or you might tear your own skin. And apparently, it still can't glue clothes." he mused out loud.

"Oh, Azarath... I cannot believe this...!" Raven exclaimed.

"Though the substance may wash out in about... three weeks or so."

"THREE WEEKS?!?" the two exclaimed and it seemed almost like they were about to faint because the teammates all went up to them as soon as the vials from the table started shaking.

Beast Boy calmed down first, but Raven's eyes were now glowing and more vials started shaking. Beast Boy pulled her in his arms and burried her in a hug.

"Calm down, Rae... Calm down..." he whispered in her ear as he stroked her hair with his free hand.

The vials slowly stopped and the glow in her eyes started to disappear.

Robin and Cyborg exchanged confused glances but didn't say anything.

Raven breathed heavily and slowly nodded as she pulled away, "I'm okay..."

"Are you sure?" Beast Boy said looking at her arms and cupped her face. She nods and breathes out.

"Titans, back to the tower." Robin told them.

The three went into the car and the two teammates who were stuck looked at each other. They looked back at the others, "You guys should go. Raven will just teleport us." Beast Boy told them.

This time all three of them exchanged confused glances, but immediately shrugged it off as they made their way back.

When Raven and Beast Boy arrived at the tower, they heard a stomach growl. Raven looked at Beast Boy who smiled awkwardly and slowly made her way to the kitchen dragging him along.

Raven watched as Beast Boy eat a box full of donuts and have gotten icing on his face, with amusement.

Robin, Starfire and Cyborg stepped out of the elevator and heard a giggle followed by a shout.

"YEAH! I MADE RAVEN LAUGH!" which was followed by a laugh and soon the one who shouted laughed along with her.

They made their way to the kitchen to see the two laughing as Raven wiped icing from his nose.

"Done." Raven said flatly and Beast Boy pouted.

"No it's not!" he flailed.

Raven rolled her eyes and proceeded to wipe his face. After so she stared at his pointy ears and begun to scratch behind it.

Beast boy's dog instinct made him lean into her touch and gave a slight purr.

Raven smiled until they heard Cyborg clear his throat.

"As much as I like seeing you two finally getting along, now is not the time. Come with me and I'll make you clothes that won't be too hard to wear in your current state." Cyborg said as he made his way to his workshop.

They sat by as they watched Cyborg design clothes that wouldn't have a problem with their hands.

Raven's was a one sleeved leotard that had a cut at the side and a zipper just above Beast Boy's hand, and much to her dismay no cloaks. Beast Boy's was a shirt cut at the side with a zipper because he can't wear them from his head because of Raven's hand on his face and his at her waist.

Once done, they carried them to Raven's room where they'd stay.

Beast Boy laid on the bed dragging Raven down on top of him.

"You know, you were yourself more often today than any other. Except when we meet at night." Beast Boy said with a smirk.

"Hey! Don't tease me for having nightmares and only you can ward them off!" Raven said with a pout.

He chuckled, "The guys were so confused at our behavior I'm sure they're losing their minds."

This made Raven giggle, "Yeah, yeah! Night, Gar..." she yawned and seetled in his arms.

Beast Boy yawned in return, "Goodnight, Rae..."

Beast Boy x Raven (BBRae) Short StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now