Your Thoughts? (pls???)

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So... I uhmm I'm back... sort of...
Idk okay I haven't been having much inspiration or motivation. And it's been weighing me down because I want to write something but I don't really know what I should or can write.
And sometimes I even forget that I even wrote one of the books I've published.

Well, I'm in this Discord Server of a Wattpad Author I follow.
And it got me thinking, idk but having one for my books might help?
Like anyone can give suggestions there and if I'm stuck on something I can discuss about it with everyone there.
And there's also the fact that I'm sort of I guess fairly active there because it's the only way I can contact my friends who live in other countries.
All of you can also interact with fellow readers and talk about what you think of my books (Criticism is welcome as well!) and anything else.

I mean, I'm not sure if it'd be any good. Because then I'd just be kind of bummed if people give suggestions and I still get stuck on writing I also don't wanna disappoint you guys if I end up not writing your suggestion and choosing another one's suggestion or if I write it not in the way you wanted it to be like.

idk would you guys like it? and if yes, does anyone know ways how i could choose people to be admins?

anyways, sorry that i haven't been updating at all and i'm sorry if i got you disappointed with the update notif only to find out it wasn't an update at all

~Lille Ally Sato

Beast Boy x Raven (BBRae) Short StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now