"My mum's pregnant. It just felt like they wanted their own family and I was a reminder they didn't want around. But when I got here Granma had already sold her house." He looks so vulnerable.

"We're happy you're here Rome, we want you around." I say hugging him.

"Thanks Yo." He whispers.

This is the normal Rome, he doesn't want to worry anyone or hurt anyone or be a burden. The more scared and hurt he is the more he smiles and act's happy. He never cries in front of people, only someone he trusts, and him having that much faith in me, makes me want to protect him more. His father didn't want him around his new family and now his mother's done the same. God families are hard work.

"When did you move in Rome?" I ask

"The movers bought all this in a few days ago, just after I got the keys, but I wanted to spend last couple of nights with Granma, she left yesterday for her beach cottage."

"She couldn't stay since your back?"

"The house was already sold and she had bought the other, she delayed it to make sure I was ok first. I can go see her." He smiles.

"Did she see this apartment?" I ask him.

I don't need him to answer, I could tell. He didn't want to keep her longer so found anything but she didn't see it. He would have told her its wonderful.

P'Bee is looking around. "This place is terrible Rome you can't live here. And this area, it's dangerous, not to mention how far this place is to the university and you don't have a car."

I'm giving P'Bee the silence look but she's not getting it. It's all true but find a tactful way p.

"I saw a cockroach." she yells


"You still have the number of those movers Rome?" she asks looking around her feet.

"Yes p" he answers quietly.

"Good call them, have you stuff ready to be moved your living with me." She says peeking in threw the other doors.

"HUH?" We both yell at her.

"No way could I let one of the precious people who will be helping me with Bas live in a place like this. I have a spare room." She's wiping her hands after touching something.

Over kill there p?

"But p I already paid the first month and deposit and..." he's trying to remember.

"Don't worry ill handle it. Stay with me, no rent the place is mine just share food and bills with me. Throw in helping with Bas and even that can be free." She says winking.

"P'Bee you're insane." I say "At least think first. What will people say? Your parents? P'Forth?"

"You want to let him stay here Yo?" she's horrified.

"Of course not!" This place wasn't good.

"You're such a cutie when you're angry Yo. Okay trust me this is best. Rome pack a bag right now, I just saw a family of spiders in that disgusting place called a bathroom." She says moving away from the door.

"But p..." Rome tries protesting again.

"Rome" She says grabbing his hand in both hers. "If I leave you here I won't sleep at all, I'll be so worried. And now Fon's going and I'm not sure what's happening and there's Bas to worry about and he cries, Rome please come help me!" she looks ready to cry.

"Okay p, don't worry please, ill pack a bag." Rome's goes to the other room to get his things. She looks at me and winks.

"P'Bee, I'm really glad you're on our side." I tell her, she hugs me.

"I'm so glad forth met you all Yo, so many hot guys around, I'll be the envy of every girl in the country. Hohoho. " She's actually doing a manga girl laugh.


I turn the corner to my room to find my gang waiting there for me, dam it.

"Leave me alone I can't deal with you all." I yell

"Bitch Yo open this door right now."

They shove me in as soon I get it open and all parade in, they take over my bed. I close my door and walk to them, dam it.

"What now?" I ask

"We just saw two people we know in a jewellery store." Chicken starts.

"With a ring!" Crow ads.

"Okay? So?" I'm confused.

"We saw P'Kit putting a ring on P'Pha's finger!" Monty yells.

"And then he hugged him! P'Kit SMILIED and hugged HIM."

Wait...what??? My P'Pha???

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