You're ginger

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The Doctors POV•••

I sat there, sobbing, with y/n's body in my arms. My world was crashing down around me. No Y/n, no TARDIS, no companion. I had nothing and no one. This time, I was truly alone

And then y/n said my name

"What?..." I asked, shocked when she opened her eyes, as y/e/c as ever
"Doctor?" She called again
"What?" I repeated, and hoisted her to her feet
"Hey..." she said hesitantly
"What!? You... but..." I took a deep breath "y/n, I hate to say it, but you should be dead."
"I know. What happened?"
"Rose. She pushed you into the shadows. Then you died in my arms. And now you're back" She took a step forward and grabbed my hand
"I'm back Doctor. So let's go get the TARDIS" I leaned backward, wary of her
"No no no. Stop. This can't be happening. I'm sorry y/n. I'm so so sorry, but you're dead." I started walking around her "what are you then, huh? Robot? Alien? Living plastic? You look real enough, sound real..." I turned over her hand...

And it was glowing yellow

She jumped back
"Doctor?!" She called "what's going on? What did the Nashta Verada do to me??"
"Nothing y/n"
"What happened to me?"
"You died"
"WHATS HAPPENING TO ME NOW DOCTOR" she yelled, becoming increasingly panicked as the glow creeped up her arms and up through her legs

"Y/n, you're regenerating"

Your POV***

"No.. what... how?" You said, as your whole body started glowing
"Good luck" the Doctor said, and stepped away from you.
"Doctor? What are yo-" You were cut off when you were consumed by the light. It felt like your whole being had just exploded into a thousand pieces. Your arms ached, your legs burned, your core stung, everything was in a total, overwhelming sense of pain.

And as suddenly as it all stared, it stopped

You were standing, quite dizzily, where you had been before you regenerated. You swooned and fell, straight into the Doctors waiting arms
"Easy, easy" he said, laying you on the floor beside him "Whoa y/n. I gotta say, good regeneration" he winked at you
"Some things never change" you murmured, trying to flick your hair whilst laying vertically on the ground. And that's when you realised, your hair was a deep, dark red

The last thing the Doctor said that day, to you, to anyone, in one of the most impressive, important statement of all time was

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The last thing the Doctor said that day, to you, to anyone, in one of the most impressive, important statement of all time was...

"You're ginger?"


So that's it guys. Did you like it? Was it actually interesting? I hope so.

Yes I know it was a short finish with not a lot of closure, but you and the Doctor live long and happy lives together since you are a time lady👍

If you (for some, strange reason) actually like my writing, I'm gonna kick off a new project soon probably. Watch this space!

Well that's all for now, folks


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