I dont wanna go home

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Doctors POV
"Y/n..." I whispered, now crying with her
"I know you don't love me though." She laughs without any actual humour in her voice. "I don't blame you though. I mean, who would? Definitely not someone who's brilliant. Certainly not you. I get it." She looked away "but, Doctor, before you drop me back home, can I just have some time alone in the library?"
I choked up at her stupid, stupid words. She was amazing. I definitely would love her. I do love her. So why can't I say it? Why can't I tell her...
"Of course you can, y/n" I murmured "tell me when you want to go home"
And with that, I got up and sulked away but then turned back to her " I do love you though" I said, and then whipped around and ran back to the control board and just paced. Back and forth. Behind the controls, and in front, behind, in front, and then just lent on the board
"What do I do with her, TARDIS? She just said she'd be with me forever. We know that's not good." I paused for a second, listening, before pushing myself away from it "Yes of course I mentioned that, god, what do you think I am, stupid? No. Good. 'Cos I'm not, you know. I'm not dumb." I smiled to myself after hearing the TARDIS' reply. She's amazing. She's always there when I need her, to make me laugh, or comfort me or give me support. She's all I need. She makes me a better version of myself. And I'm not talking about the TARDIS.

All of a sudden, a light starts flashing on my screen, a light that I should know what it means....

But now there's only two words on the screen. And they make my stomach drop and heart flutter all at once

Rose Tyler

Hiya! This chapter was soooooooo so so so short, even though I normally have tiny chapters, never this small. I will try to make the next update quicker though

Till we meet again.

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