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You watched silently as the Doctor stepped towards Rose, running his hands through his hair like he always did when he was trying to figure something out. From your position, you could see Roses breathing quicken as he brushed the hair off her face and stared straight into her eyes. 
You all just stood like that, as if frozen, the old friends standing together and his new girl off to the side.

After some time, the Doctor snapped back to reality and came around to you, grinning
"Have I told you about Barcelona? Great place..." and off he goes, explaining about another all-new world, whereas you are just looking over at Rose, who's standing alone on the opposite side of the TARDIS. All you can feel is an overwhelming sense of pain, pain for everything she's doing, for everything she has to do to ever forgive herself, and to give you the Doctor. You should feel ecstatic, but all you feel is hollow.

The Doctor takes both your and Roses hands, but doesn't link fingers with you like usual. You glance up to him, confused, when he just slightly tilts his head towards his left, where Rose is. Of course. Equal treatment, even if she is confusing him. Because he loves you both. Well... at least her, anyway.

"Girls, may I present.." the Doctor swings open the creaky door "...Barcelona?" The three of you stand at the edge of a barren wasteland, looking out onto miles and miles of black sand. The Doctor let go of Rose and ran his hand through his hair again. You squeezed his hand, smiling sympathetically
"You aren't having the most logical day, are you?" You murmured. He laughed, but you could see he was still confused
"True, true" he said, and turned, back into the TARDIS "but, really, what's going on?" He squinted out at the planet. "Rose, y/n, get back and close the door, please." You quickly do as he says and pull Rose inside with you. You hear the whirrrrOOOwhirrrrOOO' of the TARDIS powering up and run over to the Doctor
"Where are we going?" You ask, hands already on controls
"Just a quick planet jump. Because, y/n, Barcelona used to be one of the busiest planets around. And now look at it! No sign of life, and..." he paused to spin around a couple screens " sign of the life that killed it?"

"So?" Rose said from beside you
"So? What the hell, Rose? So this is bad? We don't like suddenly dead planets?" The Doctor looked at her, still confused, but he looked almost revolted. So it was working. He's thinking she's changed, you thought. Such a perfect couple, gone down the drain.
"Y/n?" The Doctor put his hand on your face and wiped away a tear. Oh great, you think, now I'm crying, AGAIN. The Doctor doesn't need a cry-baby companion! Get it together!
"Sorry, I'm .. allergic, to... dust" you say quickly. He looks doubtful, but continues to land the TARDIS.
"Now, you two, we're in Aleonwa. They're an ... interesting species. Play nice" he said, pointing at each of you in turn, but lingering on Rose. He swung open the doors and strolled out into the building you had landed in. You followed after him, with Rose bringing up the rear.

The three of you walked through the double doors into a room with a domed, glass roof and books on every shelf
"No no no. Not again!" The Doctor whined at the ceiling, before quickly turning towards you and Rose and grabbing both your hands. "We're leaving now." But he was too late, because you all froze in that moment to hear the TARDIS start up and leave without you all, leaving you with no way of getting out.

And then from behind where the TARDIS just stood, you saw an astronaut standing there, just standing there, but you felt the Doctor seize up beside you. And then you heard the astronaut say..

"Hey! Who turned out the lights?!"

Is this chapter confusing? I just... I didnt know how to make Rose mean again and still like myself


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