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The cafe was by far the most amazing thing yet. Taking up the rear behind the Doctor, you smelt it before you saw it. Beautiful, fragrant chocolate cakes lined display shelves next to cheesecakes and pavlovas of all flavours. There was an ice cream stand, with 72 different favours up for grabs. The walls were packed full of candies, from hard lollies to marshmallows, and liquorice to jelly beans. From the kitchen you heard the bell ding and saw a waiter carry out some beautiful eggs benedict and toast and bacon and this was all just from stepping inside.

The Doctor guided you to a small two-seater table beside the window and pulled out your chair for you. You sat down, smiling at him, and picked up the menu. There were so many options! Toast, meat, salmon, and a whole lot more.
"I'd get the chefs breakfast" the Doctor said, leaning over and pointing to an item two thirds of the way down the menu. "Because it tastes good. To eat. That's kinda the point, daydreamer."
"I'm sorry." You apologise " everything is just so new and amazing! It's wonderful!" You look back at him     "Thank you. Thank you so much Doctor."


After the both of you finished eating, the Doctor stands up behind you, takes a piece of cloth out of his coat pocket and proceeds to wrap it around your eyes
"Doctor..what on earth are you doing?" You ask, weary of anything to do with a black cloth and your eyes
"You'll see. Oh wait, no you won't! Ha!" You can't see anything, but you can see in your minds eye the cheeky grin all over his face, and smile to yourself.

He pulls you up from your chair, links his arm with yours, and carefully guides you to the door. He walks beside you along the street, humming, for a long, long time (or what feels like a long long time anyway).You still can't see anything, and it's getting kind of annoying.
"Doctor" you ask, in your most whiny voice "are we nearly there?"
"No y/n." He whispers in your ear whilst taking off your blindfold. "We're here."

You look around and gasp at the sheer size of the amazing, huge theme park you find yourself in. People on rollercoasters charge past, screaming deliriously. You see giant drop rides, and massive slides. There is a water area, with nozzles everywhere a nozzle could fit.
"Wot d'ya think?" The Doctor asks, beside you, all of a sudden holding a great big tuft of fairy floss. He starts walking in the opposite direction to you, and then grins over his shoulder at you "You coming?" You beam, and half-run, half-skip over to him, when he takes your arm, and you blush red "Allons-y!"


"I'll meet you back here in... an hour" the Doctor says, looking down at his wrist ever though he doesn't have a watch and you know it.
"Ok. What will we do then?" You ask of him apprehensively
"Dinner" he mumbles
"Oh yay! Fancy?"
"Well y- can't tell you that! It's a surprise for a reason! Now, goodbye, taa-ta, I'll see you later ok?" As he walks off with his head down, you catch a glimpse of his red cheeks as he strolls off into the night.

1 hour to get ready.


Doctor x Reader (10) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang