Tears in the TARDIS

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Doctors POV
I broke apart from y/n when we hit the bottom floor. She was blushing furiously and biting her lip, but she just looked cuter then ever. I took her hand and we left the restaurant together, like some kind of couple.

I personally couldn't stop smiling.

"Back to the TARDIS then?" I asked, giving her hand a squeeze as we walked down the empty streets. She looked up at me, back from being lost in her own world
"Um...yes?.. Of course! You know, cause we're kinda on a whole different planet?" She said, raising an eyebrow
"Ah yeah." Forgot about that. Slightly important, but anyway. "Home?" I questioned, as I was due to drop her back to her family tomorrow. She hesitated, nodded a little and then just said
"Sure" in a quiet little voice. I turned to her in concern, but she was staring at the glistening pavement in front of us.
I just shrugged it off, because who am I to try and understand a woman, and went forwards to unlock the TARDIS.

I heard the door close behind me, threw my coat on the branch of the TARDIS, went over to the control panel, and set it to y/n's house.

"When will you be back?" I asked her, turning around....

There was no-one there.

"Y/N!" I screamed, hearing my voice echo down the empty halls of the TARDIS. I whipped out my sonic screwdriver, then scanned the TARDIS for signs of life, I saw a little purple dot on the screen, and then set off in that direction.
Hoping it's her I'm chasing and not some monster escapee.

I rounded one last corner, and there she was. By the fiction section in the library. She heard me come in and glanced up.
"Hi Doctor" she said, sniffling
"Hey.." I stroked a strand of hair out of her face "What's wrong, love?"
She giggled at that, and then cried harder
"Whoa, what? I'm sorry!" I said, putting my arm round her waist
"Please tell me. I can't help you if I don't know what's the problem"
"Doctor." She said " the problem is that you kiss me and then immediately want to ship me off straight home like I was nothing. You said that you could deliver me home at a totally different age, because I'd been travelling with you for so long, and I would come back and it'd still be tomorrow. So why get rid of me now?" She looked at me through glistening eyes, tear tracks running down her face. I reached out and brushed away a tear, her leaning against my hand, so I shifted, and she leaned against me on the floor
"It's because, y/n..." I tilted my head till I was resting on her "because you were getting so close. Because I kissed you. Because I'm a danger, y/n. People come near me, and people die. I spread hate, and leave destruction and sorrow in my wake. I've made whole species run at my name. I've made the word "Doctor" something people dread to hear. I don't want to hurt you. You deserve better"

"That's not true, Doctor. You know it's not" she shifted. "You don't just spread hate and fear (which, by the way, is only for your enemies) you spread hope. Even at the darkest of times, if someone hears the sonic screwdriver, or the TARDIS landing, or your name, they brighten. I've seen it Doctor. Hell, I've done it. I trust you more then anyone else in this universe. I'd stay with you forever, because...you say I deserve better, when there is no-one better. Not for me." She faced me, still crying "Doctor, I-" she took a deep breath "I love you"

YESSSS MATE. I really enjoyed writing this chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment!

Also just wanted to thank everyone for 100 reads! I never, ever thought I could get this many people to read my work, even if most of you probably hated it. So thank you. Thank you all❣️❣️

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