Im sorry. Im so sorry

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Doctor POV•••
'I hurt her.' I think, haunted by the scream she let loose as they bit her. 'It's my fault. I shouldn't have taken her...' my head drops into my hands, staring at my lap, because that's the one place in this room where I don't remember how badly I did.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry" I murmur. I think she's asleep. I hope she's asleep. "I didn't know they would do this y/n. I didn't know they would attack with their teeth. I'm sorry. So so sorry. I didn't know... I never wanted you to get hurt. I didn't mean for them to hurt you y/n. I wouldn't have taken you outside. I didn't know..." I sigh in dismay at how badly I've  stuffed up this time.
"Doctor?" I hear her call from the other end of her bed. "Doctor.. are you here?" I smile a little, happy that her first thought is of me, but also a little sad, because.. well. That just means more pain for me when she does go away

You come to in your room at home. Your arm is bandaged messily, and you have a flask of steaming hot tea beside you. You try to sit up, but only succeed in shuffling a little.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry" the Doctor is sitting at the end of your bed, his head in his palms, not aware that you've woken up. You decide it best not to move, or disturb him in any way. "I didn't know they would do this y/n. I didn't know they would attack with their teeth. I'm sorry. So so sorry. I didn't know..." you shift in the bed quietly while he continues his monologue " I never wanted you to get hurt. I didn't mean for them to hurt you y/n. I wouldn't have taken you outside. I didn't know..."

"Doctor?..." you mumble as if you were only just awake. "Doctor... are you here?"
He rushes to your side, a small smile forming on his adorable face. "Doctor..."
"Shhh..shh. I'm here y/n. I'm here." He pulls the blankets over your torso and rearranges the pillows beneath your head
"This is all my fault y/n. I'm sorry." He says, voice full of shame and guilt. He sighs heavily and continues at a barely audible volume "I understand if you don't want to travel with me anymore"
"Doctor, one little bite isn't going to stop me going to the edges of time and space with you." He smiles sheepishly as you move closer to where he's sitting. "How long do you think I'll have to stay here?"
"Gosh y/n, I don't know, let me have a look. Now this will hurt, but I've got to ask you to stay still and not move" you swallow and nod up at him. He pulls back the bandages soaked in blood and winces for you " Its poisoned. You're gonna be here for at least a week." He glances at you to see how you're going, and you smile at him through the pain, and even though you'd rather be screaming, maybe being bitten isn't as bad if it means you get to spend a week with the Doctor looking after you
"Oh no, Doctor" you say quietly and sarcastically "whatever shall I do?"

Doctor x Reader (10) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن