Your Guardian Angel // platonic Jay x Zane

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For Jay-Lightning .
Challenge: Your Guardian Angel
Pairing: platonic Jay x Zane (I hate romantic Technoshipping!)
Setting: after Rebooted
Guardian Angel
"A Ninja never quits, huh?" Jay sighed, looking up at the statue of the Titanium Ninja and wiping a stray tear from his face. "I just wish you wouldn't have taken everything so literally, Zane."
He then raised his view to look up at the sky. "Are you still looking out for us?"
It had been a couple of days since the Nindroid's sacrifice - and since Jay had lost lost his brother, his girlfriend (to his former best friend), his team - and his overall direction in life. Sure, he performed all necessary tasks to keep his body somewhat functioning, like eating (although reluctantly and barely enough to prevent him from passing out), drinking (way too much of the wrong stuff), breathing (which he sometimes wished he could just stop doing), and sleeping (most of the day), but the only other thing he could drag himself to do was to take his daily walk through the park and visit the memorial for his fallen brother, where he would just stand in front of the statue, talk to 'Zane', and hope not to encounter any of his former teammates.
It was starting to get dark and the cold autumn wind was blowing through the leaves, causing the slim auburn-haired boy to shiver. Jay pulled the hood of his blue jumper over his head and put his hands into the kangaroo pockets. He took one last glimpse at the shimmering Titanium Ninja, before he turned away and walked back to the dodgy hotel where he had found a temporary accommodation.
Jay knew that he couldn't continue like this. He would soon run out of money. And either he would have to find a paid job or crawl back to his parents. Maybe that would be the best thing to do. He was a piece of garbage anyway. And all that kept him here in the City were the depressing memories of his dead friend.
All of a sudden, a loud cry snapped him out of his thoughts. The skilled Ninja scanned his surroundings and spotted a dark figure running across a deserted field, away from two other people - a taller and a small one, both apparently female and screaming for help.
Jay's lightning fast reflexes immediately kicked in, and he began chasing the figure who, as Jay's sharp eyes could make out, was holding what looked like a lady's handbag in one hand and a soft toy in the other. It wasn't long until the blue Ninja had almost caught up with the criminal, but now his recent lifestyle was taking its toll and Jay could feel his energy levels being depleted. He probably should have eaten more than half a chocolate bar today...
Great, one of the famous heroes of Ninjago was not even able to catch a simple thief on his own.
But, why was he surprised? The Master of Lightning had always been the team's weakest link. He lacked Cole's strength (and apparently his attractiveness), Kai's passion, Zane's intelligence, and Lloyd's power.
Just as he was about to give up and stop running, the man in front of him suddenly slipped. Jay gathered all his remaining strength to overpower the thief by giving him just a tiny shock, and recover the stolen items.
Just as he had finished making a call to the NCPD, a woman and young girl of about six years came walking towards him. Jay recognised them as the two figures he had seen - and heard - earlier and he returned the purse and the dragon plushie to their right owners.
"Thank you, young man." The woman said. "You are a real hero for helping me and my daughter."
"There is no need to thank me." Jay replied, slightly embarrassed to take credit for a simple mishap on the thief's side. "It is what I do." Well, at least what I used to do...
The girl gasped. "You are Jay, the blue Ninja, right? You are my favourite." She told him.
Jay nodded. "I am. But are you sure you are not confusing me with one of the others?"
"No." The girl vigorously shook her head. "Me and my friends love your funny jokes and your amazing inventions. And one day, we all want to become a Ninja and be as fast as you."
"Thank you, young lady." Jay blushed. "Let me tell you a secret. To become a real Ninja, you'll have to train hard and always eat your vegetables. And most importantly, whatever happens, you don't give up. Because a Ninja never quits."
I have heard and said this phrase so many times, how could I actually forget to follow it myself? Jay wondered.
The girl beamed at him.
"I have heard what happened to your... friend. I am very sorry for your loss." The girl's mother said.
Jay gave her a weak smile. "Thank you. Losing Zane has been very hard on all of us..."
"Of course, please give my sympathies to your teammates as well."
"Uhm, we are not exactly speaking to each other at the moment..." Jay probably shouldn't tell this to someone he had just met, but right now he just didn't even have the energy to lie.
The woman smiled at him. "That's sad to hear. But I am sure you will sort things out. And in the meantime, if you ever need anything, please don't hesitate to call us. My husband is a TV producer, and he has a lot of connections. We will be happy to help."
Jay blushed. Did he look that desperate that even a complete stranger would offer to help him? But... maybe this was a sign. Maybe it was time to stop letting himself go and get back on track. He owed it, to Zane, to Sensei, and to himself.
"Th-thanks." Jay replied. "I-I could use some help I guess..."
When his two new friends finally walked away, Jay turned his attention back to the stunned criminal. Waiting for the police to arrive, he crouched down to look for any other items the thief might have dropped. Right at the unmoving man's feet, he noticed a small sheet of now half-melted ice, which must have caused him to slip earlier.
Jay got up and turned around. In the distance he could still see the Titanium Ninja glistening in the last rays of the evening sun.
He looked up and smiled. "Thanks, bro." He said. "The coolest Guardian Angel of 'em all."

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