Chapter 3

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1 Year Later

Tris POV

I woke up to the smell of Bacon and no one lying next to me in the bed. Tobias must be making a breakfast, how sweet but if it taste like the rest of his cooking I'm not so lucky. I got out of bed and walked down the stairs to see Tobias standing In the kitchen cooking Bacon and Eggs. He must have heard me because he started talking to me.

"Morning sleepyhead." I walked up to him and put my hands around his waist.

"Morning." He laughed I didn't know what was funny, I just waited for him to explain himself.

"I wouldn't distract me, I've already burnt a set of bacon." He pointed to the trash bin, I let go of him and walked over to the bin to see completely burnt bacon sitting on top of burnt bread.

"I don't even know how you manage to burn things all the time." I laughed.

"Neither do I." He replied. I walked into the lounge to turn on the morning news when I heard a knock on the front door. Before I could open it for our guest Christina waltzed on in.

"Hey Tris, sorry did you just wake up." She walked over to me and gave me hug.

"Yeah, I just woke to the smell of burnt bacon." She laughed

"Is Tobias in the kitchen again."

"Hey I heard that." Christina and I laughed as Tobias spoke to us from the kitchen.

"You should stay for breakfast Christina." Tobias called out, Christina looked at me with uncertainty.

"Is the food safe." This time she whispered so Tobias couldn't hear.

"Well if it's not I'm not dying alone, so your staying." Before she could speak I walked into the kitchen and set out place mats for three.

"So I guess I'm staying then." I looked at her and laughed. Tobias dished breakfast and sat down next to me.

"Wow it actually looks edible." Christina smartly mentioned.

"Ha.ha very funny." Tobias said while eating a piece of bacon. We all just laughed, it was really nice having everyone here we seemed like a happy family. We all lived in what used to be the abnegation sector, but we don't live in factions anymore so all the different people have come together. I loved the new things I don't feel like I have to be something anymore, I'm just me and I'm happy with Tobias and Christina is next door as well. Susan and Caleb are across the street and Peter well he lives on the other side of us because everyday we have to teach him something new, ever since he cleared his memory. I have to admit, at the moment I liked the old him better. I hadn't realised that the room had fallen into an awkward silence until my thoughts stopped. I knew what everyone was thinking about, but I didn't want to mention it yet. The 1st anniversary since, (I guess you could call the 'war' between the factions) is in about 2 weeks and we were having a celebration for our loved ones who died to remember who they were. It is kind of like a funereal but instead we are going to zip line together to show how brave they were. Most dauntless were doing this but other faction members were going to the graves of there lost family and friends and setting off helium balloons, to help show the significant amount of lives lost.

"So 1 year." Christina said in a down tone.

"Yip, you doing the zip line?" I asked her.

"Yeah, you ?" I shrugged to answer, I knew Tobias was afraid of heights and I was only going to zip line again with him. This day was also really important to me, so I wanted to do more than release a balloon or zip line. I wanted to make sure my mum and dad knew I was still thinking of them. However there was not much I could do.

"Sorry I'm just going to the bathroom." I stood up and went to the bathroom, trying to hold in tears.

Tobias POV

"I'm just going to check on her, she has been in there a while."

"Yeah go for it, tell her I'm at home if she wants to talk, and thanks for the breakfast it was actually really nice." I laughed and she walked out the door. I knocked on the bathroom door, but she didn't answer. I opened the door and she wasn't even in there. I walked down the hall to our bedroom and found her sitting in the bed with a pillow hugged to her chest.

"Tris are you okay." She looked up and had tears staining her checks.

"Yip I'm fine." She wiped her eyes and then hoped out of the bed. Before she could walk out of the room, I grabbed her by the waist and looked in her eyes.

"No your not."

"I'm just thinking about mum and dad that's all." I released her, because I knew she wouldn't talk about it.

"Okay, Christina said she is next door if you want to talk." She just nodded at me and gave me a hug before walking out the door.


1 hour has passed and she still wasn't home so I decided to go out and look for her.

Allegiant SPOILER - If Tris was aliveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora