Chapter 1

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  The sun shone through my blinds, slowly waking me up from my dreamy haze. Between the sun, blinding me, and my alarm , beeping non stop, I'm surprised I did not wake up sooner.  I slowly slid out from underneath my comforter and stood up beside my bed. I stood there for a few moments wondering why I was rising with the sun. I took a while for it all to come back to me. It was septmeber , that meant summer was over and today was the first day of school. The first day of my last year. If i could manage to keep myself together for the next few months, I may be able to make it through highschool unfazed. 

  I slowly reched towards my night stand and picked up my phone to check the time. I had already missed the bus. I ran to the bathroom and turned the shower on then quickly ran back to my closet , nearly tripping over my cat , Bella. I swung the closet doors open forcfully and grabbed the outfit I had laid out the night before. I ran back to the bathroom a stripped. I swiftly climbed into the shower. I wash my body quickly so I could spend more time detangling my hair. Once the daily battle agaisnt the hairy creature on my head was done I jumped out of the shower. I immediately began to dry myself off and put on my outfit for today. I pulled on my red skater skirt and slid on a shirt. I grabbed my favourite black cardigan , my keys and my bag then ran downstairs. I stopped infront of a mirror to make sure all was in check. My waist long black hair had dried perfectly, my olive coloured skin was creamed to perfection and the tiny bit of mascara I had put on made my emrald eyes stand out. I was all ready to go. I ran out the door and into my car.

  My car had been a birthday present for my 18th birthday. It wasn't my ideal choice of vehicle but it served it's purpose. The drive to school was uneventful , as it always is. I stopped at Starbucks on the way to get myself and my bestfriend our usual later morning drinks, a chocolate chip frappuccino. I got to school with almost 20 minutes to spare, more importantly I got to school before she did.  

  She pulled up in her red convertible and parked in the space right next to my car. She slid out of her the front seat gracefully , walked towards me and plucked her frappuccino right out of my hand. She was my best friend, Isabelle Dion or Izzy for short. Izzy was seemigly perfect.  She was nearly 5'7 with a willowy figure. Her slim body was perfect for all the tight clothing she had started to wear. Her skin was so pale it was nearly translucent although she knew exactly what to wear to make her ghostly skin look like it belonged to a porcelain doll. Her porcelain skin made her dark blue eyes stand out even more and made her light brown hair seem a lot darker than it actually was. She was the kind of girl that shone so bright the sun looked dull in comparison. She was the type of girl who could steal the spotlight just by walking into the room. Izzy knew her body well and knew exactly how to use it. She knew how to swing her slim hips to drive the boys crazy. She knew how to use her siren smile and when. Most importantly she knew how to use those dark blue eyes to lure you in. She seemed like the perfect girl, the It girl, the one evyeryone loved.  Even though she caught everyone's eye because of her beauty and popularity, Izzy wasn't nearly as perfect as everyone thought. I knew that well, as well as I knew the scars covering her wrist underneath her tight long sleeve. As well as I knew the scars that covered her thighs underneath her short jean skirt. 

  I knew her well. I had memorized her , every line of her was forever burned into my mind. I knew her better then I knew the back of my hand . Atleast I thought I did but I missed all the signs. All the hints that foretold the disaster that was to come. I didn't see them .

She smiled at me then walked towards the school , swaying her hips to a beat I couldn't her .I lost sight of her in the crowd of students ready for their queen B's return.

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