Just married

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Sandy POV

We are now married and going to be on our honeymoon.He won't tell me where we are going. I am glad we got married today though because I am starting to show but not a lot. We went to the airport and Danny said 2 tickets for the plan going to Hawaii. I couldn't believe that we were going there. We get onto the plan again and we fly to Hawaii which took a few hours. When we finally got there we went to our hotel and went to oour room. We unpacked and went out. It's funny because Hawaii had just become a state. We get to spend here for a month since there are other places Danny got planned. First we went to see Hawaii Volcanoes National Park and saw the Volcanoes. 

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It was cool to see a Volcano in real life but we had to be careful and not get too closed

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It was cool to see a Volcano in real life but we had to be careful and not get too closed. We didn't stayed  long because Danny was being overprotective with me because I am pregnant. I think that's cute but at the same time annoying. 

Right now we are in Hawai'i. One of the major islands in Hawaii. We decided to take a boat to another major island. Maui. There are 8 major islands and I hope we get to explore all of them. On this island we went to the Hana Highway. It runs along the east coast of Maui. curving around mountains and passing by black send beaches and waterfalls. I love the beaches here and we spend a little time here. We also went to see a dormant Volcano so it was safe to explore that. After we got to a resteraint and eat we went to Napili-Honokowai. We couldn't see all of the islands so we took the boat to O'ahui. Another major island. We went Downtown Honolulu. We decided to go back to our Hotel on that other island and to go to a hotel here to stay. We went into our bedroom and to unpacked again. We were exhausted so we went to bed. While we were sleeping I could feel Danny ruping my belly. 

Danny POV

I can't sleep. All I can think about is I can't believe we are now married and expecting a baby. I put my hand on her belly and I kissed it. I can't wait to be the father of this child. It's exciting to think about. I finally went to sleep but I never take my hand off her belly. 

The next morning

I took Sandy to Diamond Head. We get to hike and see some Volcanoes here. 


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