Danny, I love you

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Sandy POV

I woke up the next morning. So did Danny. I loved being in bed with him and just look at him. I love his brown eyes and the way he loves me. I love him so much. "Good morning my love" said Danny. "Good morning" I responded. I had a dream about us the night before and in this dream I dreamt that we got married and everyone was there. Including my parents and then I had giving birth to our baby and it was the beginning of our family. I want that more then anything. 

We got up from the bed and had breakfast. "Baby, I would like to go back to the states today" I said. "Are you sure you don't want to see Sydney" Danny asked. "Yeah, I just want to be with you and our friends" I responded. "Okay then we will take the next plane out." 

We got to the airport and bought our tickets. We waited for the airplane and when it was here we hope onto the plane. We were going back home. Back to California so I can start the rest of my life with Danny Zoko. Australia was my home. I was born there and moved to the states when I was little but sometimes would visit our old home. That's not my home anymore after what happen between me and my parents. I was hoping that I will live there to start the rest of my life with Danny and our baby but I guess not. I feel asleep on his shoulder. 

The next thing I knew it "Babe, we are here" Danny let me know. I woke up with a smile on my face and we kissed. We walked out of the airplane hand in hand. And we saw Rizzo and Frenchy waiting for us. "How was your trip" asked Rizzo. "It was amazing" I responded with excitement. "Where did you go" asked Frenchy. "Well for a month we went to Paris and then for another month we went to Verona, and for a couple of days we went to Sydney. "Wow I would love to go to all those places" said Frenchy.  "How was things with your parents? How did they take the news" Rizzo asked. "Not well" I said feeling sad again. "Yeah her father didn't it one bit and called her a slut and said that I only ask her to marry me because of the bay but that i not true. IT just happen that way" said Danny as he wrapped his arm around me. "Oh I'm sorry" said Frenchy. "Like what I said when I thought I was pregnant. There are worse things I could do and the same is true for you because you truly love him and you choose to go all the way with him" said Rizzo. "Thanks Riz that really means a lot to me" I responded feeling better and give my friends a hug. They walked back to Danny place for a while and we all talked. Everyone was there. "Hows everything going between you two? I hear you are knocked up" said Kenickie. "Yeah, everything been good and we are looking forward in our future" I responded and kissed Danny. 

Rizzo and Kenickie are still together like how we are. It was nice seeing everyone again. I remember I Frenchy said "What if we don't see each other anymore" but hay we still do even though we are not in High School anymore. "Hey Sandy" Said Danny. "What is it babe" I asked. "Since we are engaged and expecting a baby would you move in with me" he asked in front of all our friends. I smiled and said "I would love to." He lifted me up and swong me kissing passionately. "You make me the happiest man on earth" he said as we stop. "Danny, I love you." 

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