Another day out in Paris

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Sandy POV

The first place we went to was Pere-Lachaise Cemetery. "This Cemetery is beautiful" I said. "I agree" said some voice. The woman who that voice belong to walked up to Danny and I. She has long dirty blond hair, white skin, glasses, and super skinny. "Hi my name is Jasmine" she said. "Nice to meet you" I responded. "What brought you two here to Paris" she asked us. "I wanted to give my girlfriend an amazing trip after graduation from high school" Danny said. "That's cool. I am here with my roommate Rachel. A long dirty blond white woman who is not as skinny as Jasmine walked up. "Bonjur, Je M'appelle Rachel" said Rachel. It translates to Hello, My name is Rachel. "Nice to meet  both of you" I said. Rachel have learn French since High School and Jasmine is just learning this semester so she doesn't know as much as Rachel does. We just walk around this famous cemetery and talking. It was cool that we met a couple of Americans who are coming to Paris as well. 

The next place we went to was Palais Garnier-Opera National de Paris. Jasmine and Rachel asked to tag along. I figure it would be nice to have two more people with us. When we got there Jasmine gotten excited then she said "Sorry for that but this was the Opera from Phantom of the Opera. It's my favorite Horror movie. I have actually read the book that it is loosely based on" Jasmine said. 'Hey I actually bought tickets to see a show here and I actually gotten two extra, would you want to watch a show with us?" asked Rachel. "We would love to" said Sandy. "Anything for my girl over here" said Danny.  After seeing a performance we looked around to see the beauty of this famous opera house. 

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Here is the Trailer for the Phantom of the Opera (1943) I never really seen this one I only wrote it like I have because this is 1959 and I wanted me and Rachel to be in this story because of the Cemetery and of the Opera. Both I love. I have seen The Phantom of the Opera 2008 musical and I have to tell you it is my favorite musical of all time so I know if I was from that time I would love the 1943 as well. I never read the book but I would want to. 

We left the opera house and walked back to the Hotel. We had a great time out of Paris and those lady's we were with were nice too. I can't wait to see what we are going to do tomorrow. We said good night to our new friends when they went into their room. We make it to our room and I gave Danny a Passionate kiss. Thanking him for this whole trip he took us on. When we made it to the bed we started to fool around and after a while we fall asleep. 

Grease fanflct (Danny and Sandy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora