1. Sofira: Life of a Student

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"Baked beans on toast and a glass of skim milk; not again." I sighed.

"HOME BRAND baked beans on toast and a glass of skim milk." Double sigh.

Ever since my best friend Natalia moved out one month and 13 days ago I had been struggling to pay the six hundred and 20 dollar rent. Why's the rent so high? Well let's just say it's a nice apartment on the ninth floor of a 16 story three-year-old apartment block. Yeah that pretty much sums it up.

I'd come close to moving out at least three times over the past month and a half, but just before I did, something would stop me. The memories, the childhood dreams. Call me sentimental but it's true. Lia and I had dreamt of living the high life ever since the beginning of high school. So when we managed to get this place it was just AMAZING and I wouldn't give it up for ANYTHING. At. All. Even proper food as it seems for now; unhealthy lame I know. But that's okay; 'You make sacrifices when you love something...or someone, right?' That's what Lia said when she got married and moved out. I respect her decision, after all, we are besties.

But I swear everyone was trying to get me to move out, My mum, professors, bosses, co-workers, dad even the security guard. The only person who was actually helping me find suitable renters was Lia. Thank goodness she had my back. Darren and her were stretched enough being uni students trying to save up 35 grand as their first payment to secure their dream apartment, so they couldn't really help much with my rent, instead they'd sometimes buy me some groceries now and then. Which I very much appreciated.

My phone had a seizure across the kitchen island where I was stuffing my face.

'Incoming call from mum' I groaned already knowing what the conversation would entail.

"Hey mum."

"Darling! How are you?"

"Oh you know the usual." I muttered as I heard her sigh across the line.

"Sof, you need to move out." She said with another 'mum-sigh'.

"Mum you know I won't change my mind; it's going to be fine. Lia and I have been scouring the whole damn globe for a renter."

"Yeah, well why haven't you found someone already? The 'whole damn globe' is a big place to y'know. I mean surely..."

"Yeah I know, I know. It's just too expensive even at three-hundred and twenty I guess." I said with a sigh.

"Damn straight girl, remember these are uni students. And most of them don't have the time management skills you have to pull off working two jobs."

"Oh come on I only took two jobs after Lia moved out."

"Technically you already did two before; babysitting counts."

"Yeah, whatever."

"Find someone quick, or I swear I'll have to come haul your arse outta there myself."

"Yeah sure mum, sure." I laughed.

That was mum for you, one of those cool 'I'm-not-your-mum-I'm-your-friend' kinda mums. Yeah I know I'm lucky as hell to have her, she's also only 19 years my senior.

"Oh and it better be a girl. Okay?"

She didn't have to say it twice.

"Yup. Definetly. Don't worry bout that."

"Alright, have a nice day baby, and good luck!"

"Sweet dreams mama!"

Time to find that luck.

Kayhatielyn   is writing Sofira :)

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